王慧鹏,刘欣荣,张 鑫,李 浩.多孔孔板流量计结构参数的数值研究[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2023,37(9):75-84
Numerical study of structural parameters of the multi-hole orifice flowmeter
中文关键词:  多孔孔板流量计  计算流体动力学  压力损失系数  流量系数  压力恢复长度
英文关键词:multi-hole orifice flowmeter  computational fluid dynamics(CFD)  pressure loss coefficient  discharge coefficient  pressure recovery length
王慧鹏 1.上海工程技术大学机械与汽车工程学院 
刘欣荣 1.上海工程技术大学机械与汽车工程学院 
张 鑫 1.上海工程技术大学机械与汽车工程学院 
李 浩 1.上海工程技术大学机械与汽车工程学院 
Wang Huipeng 1.School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, Shanghai University of Engineering Science 
Liu Xinrong 1.School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, Shanghai University of Engineering Science 
Zhang Xin 1.School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, Shanghai University of Engineering Science 
Li Hao 1.School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, Shanghai University of Engineering Science 
摘要点击次数: 770
全文下载次数: 802
      标准孔板流量计在工业应用中面临着精度和适用性的限制,为了提高其性能,多孔孔板流量计被越来越多的使用。 为 了研究多孔孔板的结构参数对孔板流量计性能的影响,以内径为 40 mm、多孔直径比为 0. 4、厚度为 3 mm 的多孔孔板为研究对 象,设计了不同孔数和间隙率的多孔孔板模型,并使用数值方法进行了分析。 结果表明,多孔孔板流量计的压力损失系数随着 孔数的增加而降低,而流量系数则随着孔数的增加而增加。 孔隙率对多孔孔板流量计的压力损失系数和排量系数影响不大,但 在一定范围内增加孔隙率可以有效降低压力恢复长度。
      The standard orifice plate flowmeter faces limitations in accuracy and applicability in industrial applications, and to improve its performance, multi-hole orifice flowmeter is increasingly used. In order to study the influence of structural parameters of multi-hole orifice plate on the performance of orifice plate flowmeter, the multi-hole orifice plate with inner diameter of 40 mm, multi-hole orifice diameter ratio of 0. 4 and thickness of 3 mm is used as the research object, and the multi-hole orifice plate model with different number of holes and clearance rate is designed. Numerical methods are used to analyze the flow characteristics of the multi-hole orifice flowmeter. The results show that the pressure loss coefficient of the multi-hole orifice flowmeter decreases with the increase of the number of holes, while the discharge coefficient increases with the increase of the number of holes. The clearance rate has little effect on the pressure loss coefficient and discharge coefficient of multi-hole orifice flowmeter, but increasing the clearance rate in a certain range can effectively reduce the pressure recovery length.
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