Large dynamic range sensor for measuring ns transientelectric field based on AGC
中文关键词:  瞬态电场  传感器  自动增益控制  非线性补偿  标定
英文关键词:transient electric field  sensor  AGC  nonlinear compensation  calibration
欧阳宏志 1. 西安交通大学电力设备电气绝缘国家重点实验室,2. 南华大学电气工程学院 
姚学玲 1. 西安交通大学电力设备电气绝缘国家重点实验室 
孙晋茹 1. 西安交通大学电力设备电气绝缘国家重点实验室 
陈景亮 1. 西安交通大学电力设备电气绝缘国家重点实验室 
Ouyang Hongzhi 1. State Key Laboratory of Electrical Insulation and Power Equipment, Xi′an Jiaotong University,2. School of Electrical Engineering, University of South China 
Yao Xueling 1. State Key Laboratory of Electrical Insulation and Power Equipment, Xi′an Jiaotong University 
Sun Jinru 1. State Key Laboratory of Electrical Insulation and Power Equipment, Xi′an Jiaotong University 
Chen Jingliang 1. State Key Laboratory of Electrical Insulation and Power Equipment, Xi′an Jiaotong University 
摘要点击次数: 537
全文下载次数: 740
      电磁瞬态脉冲的测量仍有许多技术难点。 为了解决瞬态电场测量动态范围较窄的问题,研制了一种能自适应调整测量 范围的光纤电场传感器。 首先在 CST 软件平台上对单极子 PCB 天线进行建模,对其电磁特性和尺寸效应进行了仿真研究。 然 后重点设计了发射机的自动增益控制电路,且自动增益控制电路的阈值范围可调。 用二次插值法对发射机的非线性进行数字 化补偿,并优化设计了接收机的跨阻放大器,使其本底噪声在微伏级别。 用标准场法对该传感器进行了标定和测试,并对不确 定度进行定量计算。 测试结果表明,传感器的输入动态范围达到 54 dB,平均响应时间低于 3 ns,线性相关度为 0. 98,灵敏度为 0. 025 V/ (kV·m -1 ),扩展不确定度为 2. 67。 该传感器可以满足雷电脉冲的电磁环境测量和电力系统局放定位的需要。
      Currently, there are lots of technical difficulties in the measurement of transient electromagnetic pulses. In order to solve the problem of narrow dynamic range of transient electric field measurement, an optical fiber electric field sensor that can adaptively adjust the measurement range was developed. Firstly, the monopole PCB antenna was modeled on the CST platform, and its electromagnetic characteristics and size effects were simulated. Then, the automatic gain control (AGC) circuit of the transmitter was designed, and the threshold of AGC circuit was adjustable. Quadratic interpolation was used to compensate for transmitter ’ s non-linearity. The transimpedance amplifier of the receiver were optimized to make its noise in the microvolt level. The sensor was calibrated and tested using the standard field method, and the uncertainty was quantitatively calculated. The test results show that the input dynamic range of the sensor reaches 54 dB, the average response time is less than 3 ns, the linear correlation is 0. 98, the sensitivity is 0. 025 V/ (kV· m -1 ), and the extended uncertainty is 2. 67. The sensor can meet the electromagnetic environment measurement of lightning pulses and partial discharge positioning.
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