张 虎,聂 霖,武文华,王昱晴,杨 磊,徐偲达.棒形复合绝缘子爬电距离图像测量方法研究[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2023,37(8):249-256
Study on image measurement method of creepage distance of rod composite insulator
中文关键词:  绝缘子  爬电距离  机器视觉  图像拼接  自动测量
英文关键词:insulator  creepage distance  machine vision  image mosaic  automatic measurement
张 虎 1.中国电力科学研究院有限公司武汉分院 
聂 霖 1.中国电力科学研究院有限公司武汉分院 
武文华 1.中国电力科学研究院有限公司武汉分院 
王昱晴 1.中国电力科学研究院有限公司武汉分院 
杨 磊 1.中国电力科学研究院有限公司武汉分院 
徐偲达 1.中国电力科学研究院有限公司武汉分院 
Zhang Hu 1.China Electric Power Research Institute 
Nie Lin 1.China Electric Power Research Institute 
Wu Wenhua 1.China Electric Power Research Institute 
Wang Yuqing 1.China Electric Power Research Institute 
Yang Lei 1.China Electric Power Research Institute 
Xu Sida 1.China Electric Power Research Institute 
摘要点击次数: 777
全文下载次数: 647
      棒形复合绝缘子的爬电距离是其质量管控中的重要关注点。 针对现有测量方法依赖人工,效率较低且误差大,提出了 一种基于机器视觉的复合棒形绝缘子爬电距离测量方法。 首先,设计了棒形复合绝缘子图像采集平台,获得了其轴向连续图 像。 采用 SIFT 算法对获取到的连续图像进行拼接,通过 Canny 边缘检测算法构建识别模型,实现了棒形悬式复合绝缘子的爬 电距离的自动测量。 试验表明,图像测量方法的重复测量标准差约为传统方法的 5% ~ 12%,且其测量效率较传统方法提高 6 倍以上,实现了棒形复合绝缘子爬电距离准确高效的测量。
      Creepage distance of rod composite insulator is an important concern in its quality control. A new method based on machine vision for measuring creepage distance of composite rod insulator is proposed in this paper. Firstly, the image acquisition platform of rod composite insulator is designed, and its axial continuous images are obtained. The SIFT algorithm is used to splice the obtained continuous images, and the Canny edge detection algorithm is used to build the recognition model to realize the automatic measurement of the creepage distance of the rod suspension composite insulator. The test shows that the standard deviation of repeated measurement of image measurement method is about 5% ~ 12% of that of traditional method, and its measurement efficiency is more than 6 times higher than that of traditional method. The accurate and efficient measurement of creepage distance of rod composite insulator is realized.
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