谢志峥,王衍学,王 一.变温环境下充水管道导波监测的复合误差补偿方法[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2023,37(8):173-181
Composite error compensation for guided wave monitoring of water-filled pipelines in variable temperature environment
中文关键词:  健康检测  超声导波  管道结构  温度补偿  充水管道
英文关键词:health screening  ultrasonic guided waves  piping structure  temperature compensation  filling pipes
谢志峥 1. 北京建筑大学机电与车辆工程学院 
王衍学 1. 北京建筑大学机电与车辆工程学院 
王 一 2. 北京师范大学-香港浸会大学联合国际学院理工科技学院 
Xie Zhizheng 1. School of Mechanical-Electronic and Vehicle Engineering, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture 
Wang Yanxue 1. School of Mechanical-Electronic and Vehicle Engineering, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture 
Wang Yi 2. Faculty of Science and Technology, Beijing Normal UniversityHong Kong Baptist University United International College 
摘要点击次数: 148
全文下载次数: 516
      温度的变化对导波传播有着很大的影响,但温度与其他因素对导波造成的复合误差却少有研究,而管道常常处于各种 严峻环境下,对其进行温度变化与不同工况之间的复合误差研究十分有必要。 本文就充水管道与温度变化之间的关系,提出了 一种新的补偿思路,即用信号集匹配相近的基线信号,同时判断充水信息,再用基线拉伸法拉伸监测信号中的时域部分,最后减 去相对应的最大残余幅值与充水偏差,完成信号的复合误差补偿。 通过 COMSOL 模拟仿真分析该方法的可行性,同时设计实 验验证效果,实验结果表明,进行补偿后的残余信号平均幅值比进行补偿后的残余信号平均幅值低约 5 dB,即该方法能够有效 的补偿由变温与充水共同造成的复合性误差。
      Temperature changes have a great impact on guided wave propagation, but the composite error caused by temperature and other factors on guided waves is rarely studied, and pipelines are often in various severe environments. It is necessary to study the composite error between temperature changes and different working conditions. Regarding the relationship between the water-filled pipeline and the temperature change, a new compensation idea is proposed, that is, the signal set is used to match the similar baseline signal, and the water filling information is judged at the same time, then the time domain part of the monitoring signal is stretched by the baseline stretching method, and finally the corresponding maximum residual amplitude and the water-filling deviation are subtracted to complete the composite error compensation of the signal. The feasibility of the method was analyzed by COMSOL simulation, and experiments were designed to verify the effect. The experimental results show that the average amplitude of the residual signal after compensation is 5 dB lower than the average amplitude of the residual signal after compensation, that is, the method can effectively compensate for the composite error caused by temperature change and water filling.
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