黄云志,翟丽文,吴 晨,杨双龙.面向强周期振动干扰的涡街流量计系统研制[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2023,37(8):105-112
Development of vortex flowmeter system for stron periodic vibration interference
中文关键词:  涡街流量计  周期振动干扰  差动式电荷放大器  频移策略  频率方差
英文关键词:vortex flowmeter  periodic vibration  differential charge amplifier  frequency shift strategy  frequency variance
黄云志 1.合肥工业大学电气与自动化工程学院 
翟丽文 1.合肥工业大学电气与自动化工程学院 
吴 晨 1.合肥工业大学电气与自动化工程学院 
杨双龙 1.合肥工业大学电气与自动化工程学院 
Huang Yunzhi 1.School of Electrical and Automation Engineering,Hefei University of Technology 
Zhai Liwen 1.School of Electrical and Automation Engineering,Hefei University of Technology 
Wu Chen 1.School of Electrical and Automation Engineering,Hefei University of Technology 
Yang Shuanglong 1.School of Electrical and Automation Engineering,Hefei University of Technology 
摘要点击次数: 666
全文下载次数: 508
      涡街流量计是流体振动型流量仪表,易受管道振动、流场扰动等影响,在小流量条件下测量误差较大,尤其在强振动干 扰下涡街信号被淹没,无法准确测量。 本文研制抗强周期振动干扰的涡街流量计系统,采用带有电压负反馈的差动式电荷放大 器,提高小流量信号的放大能力;提出基于频移策略的频率方差算法,减少强周期振动干扰的影响。 首先通过频移策略降低相 近频率的影响,然后根据流量信号与周期振动干扰的频带宽度不同,通过计算和比较频率方差,判定流量信号频率。 研制了涡 街流量计信号处理系统并实验,结果表明,研制的系统扩展了量程下限,且在强周期振动干扰条件下可以准确提取信号,精度提 升 1 个数量级。
      Vortex flowmeter is a fluid vibration flow meter, which is easily affected by pipeline vibration and flow field disturbance. The measurement error is large under the condition of small flow rate, especially under the interference of strong vibration, vortex signal is submerged, and it cannot be accurately measured. In this paper, a vortex flowmeter system which is resistant to strong periodic vibration is developed. Differential charge amplifier with negative voltage feedback is used to improve the ability of discharge flow signals. A frequency variance algorithm based on frequency shift strategy is proposed to reduce the influence of strong periodic vibration. Firstly, the influence of similar frequencies is reduced by frequency shift strategy. Then, according to the frequency band width of traffic signal and periodic vibration interference, the frequency of traffic signal is determined by calculating and comparing the frequency variance. The signal processing system of vortex flowmeter is developed and tested. The results show that the developed system extends the lower limit of range and can accurately extract signals under the condition of strong periodic vibration interference, and the accuracy is improved by one order of magnitude.
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