许全忠,庞 阔,陈 诚,王延来.微米尺度孔径微透镜阵列残余应力测量及分析[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2023,37(6):214-221
Measurement and analysis of residual stress inmicrolens array with micro aperture
中文关键词:  微透镜阵列  双折射效应  残余应力  微注塑
英文关键词:microlens array  birefringent effect  residual stress  microinjection molding
基金项目:天津市教委科研计划项目(2021KJ175)、大学生科技创新项目( JDG21054)、天津市研究生科研创新项目(2021YJSS289)、天津市高 等学校大学生创新创业训练计划项目(202110069001)资助
许全忠 1.天津商业大学生物技术与食品科学学院 
庞 阔 1.天津商业大学生物技术与食品科学学院 
陈 诚 1.天津商业大学生物技术与食品科学学院 
王延来 1.天津商业大学生物技术与食品科学学院 
Xu Quanzhong 1.School of Biotechnology and Food Science, Tianjin University of Commerce 
Pang Kuo 1.School of Biotechnology and Food Science, Tianjin University of Commerce 
Chen Cheng 1.School of Biotechnology and Food Science, Tianjin University of Commerce 
Wang Yanlai 1.School of Biotechnology and Food Science, Tianjin University of Commerce 
摘要点击次数: 541
全文下载次数: 1419
      微透镜阵列在现代光学领域发挥着重要作用,对阵列器件进行残余应力测量从而评价器件质量,指导优化制造工艺具 有切实的研究意义。 现有的测量研究多着重于对阵列器件整体进行应力测量,对微透镜单元的应力分布尚未有系统的测量研 究。 本文基于双折射原理,分别使用光弹系统/ 偏光显微镜,在宏观/ 微观尺度对不同基底厚度(0. 5 mm/ 1 mm),不同单元排布 方式(相切排布/ 紧密排布),不同微透镜单元口径(126 μm/ 1 mm)的微透镜阵列器件进行了测量研究,并对器件整体(宏观)应 力分布规律和透镜单元(微观)应力分布进行了比对和总结。 实验结果表明:微透镜阵列的残余应力分布较为均匀,器件宏观 残余应力分布与微观区域残余应力存在较为显著的趋同性;在厚度相同的前提下,排布方式、孔径尺寸对残余应力分布影响较 小;当阵列器件厚度由 1 mm 减小至 0. 5 mm 时,方形孔径微透镜阵列,同一区域残余应力增加约 250%;圆形孔径微透镜阵列, 同一个测量区域下残余应力增加约 150%。 相同孔径/ 排布/ 区域内的残余应力增幅明显。
      Microlens array plays an important role in the field of modern optics. It is of practical significance to evaluate the quality of array devices by measuring residual stress and guiding the optimization of manufacturing process. Most of the existing measurement studies focus on the stress measurement of the whole array device, but the stress distribution of the microlens unit has not been systematically measured. Based on the principle of birefringence, this paper uses photoelastic system/ polarizing microscope respectively to measure and study microlens array devices with different base thickness ( 0. 5 mm/ 1 mm), different unit arrangement ( tangent arrangement / tight arrangement) and different microlens unit calibers (126 μm/ 1 mm) at macro / micro scale. The stress distribution law of the whole device ( macroscopic) and the stress distribution of the lens unit ( microscopic) are compared and summarized. The experimental results show that the residual stress distribution of the microlens array is uniform, and there is a significant convergence between the macro residual stress distribution and the micro residual stress. Under the premise of the same thickness, the distribution of residual stress is less affected by the arrangement and aperture size. When the thickness of the array decreases from 1 mm to 0. 5 mm, the residual stress in the same area of the square aperture microlens array increases by about 250%. For the thickness of the circular aperture microlens array, the residual stress increases by about 150% in the same measuring area. The residual stress increases significantly within the same aperture / configuration / region, decreases from 1 mm to 0. 5 mm, the residual stress in the same observation area increases by about 150%.
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