郭 伟,石文泽,卢 超,何 盼,陈 果,刘 远.激光-仅线圈式 EMAT 的金属检测系统优化设计[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2023,37(6):101-113
激光-仅线圈式 EMAT 的金属检测系统优化设计
Optimal design of metal detection system based on laser-coil only EMAT
中文关键词:  铝合金  Laser-EMAT  水膜表面约束  仅线圈式 EMAT  优化设计
英文关键词:aluminium alloy  Laser-EMAT  water film surface constraint  coil EMAT only  optimal design
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(12064001, 52065049, 51705231)、江西省主要学科与技术带头人项目(20204BCJL22039)、江西省杰出青年基金(20212ACB214010)、江西省重点研发计划(20212BBE51006)、声学声信息国家重点实验室开放基金( SKLA202112)、南昌航空大学研究生创新基金(YC2021-S694)项目资助
郭 伟 1.南昌航空大学无损检测教育部重点实验室 
石文泽 1.南昌航空大学无损检测教育部重点实验室 
卢 超 1.南昌航空大学无损检测教育部重点实验室 
何 盼 1.南昌航空大学无损检测教育部重点实验室 
陈 果 1.南昌航空大学无损检测教育部重点实验室 
刘 远 1.南昌航空大学无损检测教育部重点实验室 
Guo Wei 1.Key Laboratory of Nondestructive Testing, Ministry of Education, Nanchang Hangkong University 
Shi Wenze 1.Key Laboratory of Nondestructive Testing, Ministry of Education, Nanchang Hangkong University 
Lu Chao 1.Key Laboratory of Nondestructive Testing, Ministry of Education, Nanchang Hangkong University 
He Pan 1.Key Laboratory of Nondestructive Testing, Ministry of Education, Nanchang Hangkong University 
Chen Guo 1.Key Laboratory of Nondestructive Testing, Ministry of Education, Nanchang Hangkong University 
Liu Yuan 1.Key Laboratory of Nondestructive Testing, Ministry of Education, Nanchang Hangkong University 
摘要点击次数: 455
全文下载次数: 852
      在铝合金铸造和高温轧制过程中,采用非接触式无损检测技术实现在线监测与检测,对减小生产成本、保证生产线连 续、提高产品成品率具有重要意义。 首先,建立了以脉冲激光束激励和仅线圈式电磁超声换能器(EMAT)接收的铝合金 LaserEMAT 检测过程有限元模型,分析了水膜表面约束机制以及硅钢聚磁结构对所激励的多模式超声波幅值的影响规律,研究了仅 线圈式 EMAT 的励磁线圈和接收线圈的外径、内径、线径、层数等对超声波接收效率的影响;其次,开展了铝合金 Laser-EMAT 检 测实验,验证了水膜表面约束机制、仅线圈式 EMAT 设计参数和硅钢聚磁结构对检测回波幅值的影响规律。 研究结果表明,水 膜表面约束下,采用硅钢材料作为励磁线圈的聚磁背板后,超声回波信号幅值增强了 37. 76%,信噪比增加了 17. 3 dB。 在激光 能量一定、光斑大小不变、励磁线圈外径为 12. 3 mm、内径为 1. 6 mm、线径为 0. 4 mm、层数为 2 层时,线圈阻抗与电路内阻一致, 线圈获得的能量最多,其提供的径向偏置磁场最强。 当接收线圈外径为 14. 1 mm、内径为 1. 7 mm、线径为 0. 26 mm 时,超声波 接收效率最佳。
      In the process of aluminum alloy casting and high temperature rolling, non-contact nondestructive testing technology is used to realize online monitoring and detection, which is of great significance to reduce production costs, ensure the continuity of production lines, and improve product yield. Firstly, the finite element model of the laser EMAT testing process of aluminum alloy, which is excited by pulsed laser beam and received only by the coil electromagnetic ultrasonic transducer (EMAT), is established. The influence of water film surface restraint mechanism and silicon steel magnetic structure on the amplitude of excited multi-mode ultrasonic wave is analyzed. The influence of the outer diameter, inner diameter, wire diameter, number of layers of the excitation coil and the receiving coil of the coil electromagnetic ultrasonic transducer (EMAT) only on the ultrasonic receiving efficiency is studied. Secondly, the Laser EMAT test of aluminum alloy was carried out to verify the influence of water film surface constraint mechanism, coil only EMAT design parameters and silicon steel magnetic focusing structure on the detection echo amplitude. The results show that the ultrasonic echo signal amplitude increases by 37. 76% and the signal-to-noise ratio increases by 17. 3 dB when silicon steel is used as the magnetic back plate of the excitation coil under the constraint of the water film surface. When the laser energy is constant, the spot size is constant, the outer diameter of the excitation coil is 12. 3 mm, the inner diameter is 1. 6 mm, the wire diameter is 0. 4 mm, and the number of layers is 2, the coil impedance is consistent with the internal resistance of the circuit. The coil obtains the most energy and provides the strongest radial bias magnetic field. When the outer diameter of the receiving coil is 14. 1 mm, the inner diameter is 1. 7 mm, and the wire diameter is 0. 26 mm, the ultrasonic receiving efficiency is the best.
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