Parallel structure design and performance analysis of thin-walled assembly unit
中文关键词:  并联机器人  测量  高速稳定  动力学
英文关键词:parallel robot  measurement  high speed stability  dynamics
王红军 1. 北京信息科技大学机电工程学院,2. 高端装备智能感知与控制北京市国际科技合作基地,3. 现代测控技术教育部重点实验室 
黄维轩 1. 北京信息科技大学机电工程学院 
毛向向 1. 北京信息科技大学机电工程学院 
张明亮 4. 北京无线电测量研究所 
刘国庆 1. 北京信息科技大学机电工程学院 
Wang Hongjun 1. School of Mechanical Electrical Engineering, Beijing Information Science & Technology University,2. High-End Equipment Intelligent Perception and Control Beijing International Science and Technology Cooperation Base,3. Key Laboratory of Modern Measurement & Control Technology, Ministry of Education 
Huang Weixuan 1. School of Mechanical Electrical Engineering, Beijing Information Science & Technology University 
Mao Xiangxiang 1. School of Mechanical Electrical Engineering, Beijing Information Science & Technology University 
Zhang Mingliang 4. Beijing Institute of Radio Measurement 
Liu Guoqing 1. School of Mechanical Electrical Engineering, Beijing Information Science & Technology University 
摘要点击次数: 1101
全文下载次数: 928
      薄壁件由于结构复杂刚性差且精度要求高,薄壁件装配主要由人工完成。 存在自动化程度低、产品良率低、效率差、严 重依赖工人的技术水平的问题。 为了提高产品质量和生产效率,急需采用自动化装配设备。 薄壁件的装配单元需要根据在线 测量数据分类匹配装配,采用传统的工业机器人,占用较大的工作空间,并联机器人结构柔性,占用空间小,本文设计提出一种 薄壁件自动化分拣装配单元设计方案,来代替传统人工分拣与装配的生产方式。 首先根据薄壁件分类装配功能需求,设计了并 联结构,建立了并联结构的动力学模型和运动学模型;分析了并联结构快速运动时速度及加速度的变化规律,3 条主动臂和中 间支链的角度数据曲线变化平稳,没有发生突变,角速度和角加速度相对平稳,保证了测量相机工作精度,并联机构的稳定性满 足设计要求;动平台的位移曲线与预定轨迹重合,结果显示所设计的机构可以满足功能要求。 该结构工作空间小,可以实现薄 壁件装配的自动化,保证了产品的质量。
      Due to the complex structure, poor rigidity and high accuracy requirements of thin-walled parts, the assembly of thin-walled parts is mainly completed manually. There are problems such as low degree of automation, low product yield, poor efficiency and heavy reliance on the technical level of workers. In order to improve product quality and production efficiency, automatic assembly equipment is urgently needed. The assembly unit of thin-walled parts needs to be classified and matched according to the online measurement data. The traditional industrial robot takes up a large working space. The parallel robot has a flexible structure and takes up a small space. In this paper, a design scheme of thin-walled parts automatic sorting assembly unit is designed to replace the traditional manual sorting and assembly production mode. Firstly, according to the functional requirements of thin-walled parts classified assembly, the parallel structure is designed, and the dynamic model and kinematic model of the parallel structure are established. The change law of velocity and acceleration of parallel structure during rapid movement is analyzed. The angle data curve of three active arms and intermediate branch chain changes smoothly without sudden change. The angular velocity and angular acceleration are relatively stable, which ensures the working accuracy of the measuring camera. The stability of parallel mechanism meets the design requirements. The displacement curve of the moving platform coincides with the predetermined trajectory, and the results show that the designed mechanism can meet the functional requirements. The structure has small working space, can realize the automation of thin-walled parts assembly, and ensure the quality of products.
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