Design of oil debris sensor based on radial alternating magnetic field
中文关键词:  油液磨粒  径向磁场  平面线圈  Maxwell
英文关键词:oil debris  radial magnetic field  planar coils  Maxwell
万真志 1. 北京建筑大学机电与车辆工程学院 
王衍学 1. 北京建筑大学机电与车辆工程学院 
陈志刚 1. 北京建筑大学机电与车辆工程学院 
Wan Zhenzhi 1.School of Mechanical-Electronic and Vehicle Engineering, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture 
Wang Yanxue 1.School of Mechanical-Electronic and Vehicle Engineering, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture 
Chen Zhigang 1.School of Mechanical-Electronic and Vehicle Engineering, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture 
摘要点击次数: 412
全文下载次数: 842
      随着现在工业技术的快速发展,大型复杂机械设备在生产生活中大量长时间使用,因此不可避免的会有零件磨损,磨损 产生的颗粒会掺杂在润滑油液中,因此对于油液中的颗粒检测对于设备的状态监测尤为重要。 本文设计了一种可以产生径向 交变磁场油液磨粒传感器,基于电磁感应原理使用交变电流驱动避免了直流驱动传感器发热的问题,使用 Maxwell 软件对于传 感器内部磁场分布进行建模,分析各结构参数对于传感器输出信号所产生的影响,对于强化磁场的铁芯尺寸进行了仿真并分析 了传感器内部的磁场变化,同时设计了相应的信号处理电路和激励信号的发生电路,传感器最终实现了在 8 mm 流道中对于 200 μm 铁磁性磨粒和 500 μm 非铁磁性磨粒的检测。
      With the rapid development of industrial technology, large and complex machinery equipment are used for a large number of long periods of time in production, so it is inevitable that there will be wear of parts, and the debris generated by wear will be doped in the lubricating oil, so the detection of debris in the oil is particularly important for the condition monitoring of the equipment. Based on the principle of electromagnetic induction, the use of alternating current drive avoids the heating problem of DC drive sensor. Maxwell software is used to model the internal magnetic field distribution of the oil debris sensor, analyze the influence of various structural parameters on the output signal of the sensor, simulate the core size of the strengthened magnetic field and analyze the magnetic field change inside the sensor, also design the corresponding signal processing circuit and the excitation signal generation circuit. The sensor finally realizes the detection of 200 μm ferromagnetic abrasive grains and 500 μm non-ferromagnetic abrasive grains in the 8 mm flow channel.
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