Chaos control of second order inverters under linearized model
中文关键词:  二阶逆变器  系数线性化模型  非线性动力学行为  混沌控制  延时反馈控制
英文关键词:second order inverter  coefficient linearization model  nonlinear dynamics behavior  chaotic control  time-delayed feedback control
高志强 1.天津理工大学电气工程与自动化学院 
陈翰博 1.天津理工大学电气工程与自动化学院 
Gao Zhiqiang 1.School of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Tianjin University of Technology 
Chen Hanbo 1.School of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Tianjin University of Technology 
摘要点击次数: 863
全文下载次数: 754
      针对线性化模型下二阶逆变器发生的非线性分岔与混沌行为,加入控制手段增加稳定域与抗扰性。 首先构建了二阶逆 变器的系数线性化迭代模型,运用分岔图、折叠图再现了其产生的混沌行为,并寻求系统的 Jacobian 矩阵和平衡点。 然后加入 延时反馈控制,并基于朱里判据给出了控制参数的限定条件。 最后为说明所加入混沌控制方法的优越性,开展了数值仿真模拟 实验。 结果表明,延时反馈控制使系统比例参数 K 的分岔值从 0. 573 后移至 0. 973,且当直流源输入侧电压突变时,系统仍保持 在稳定运行状态。 表明施加延时反馈控制后,二阶逆变器运行的稳定域增加且整体的抗扰性增强。
      Aiming at the nonlinear bifurcation and chaos behavior of the second-order inverter under the linearized model, the control method is added to increase the stability domain and disturbance immunity. Firstly, established the second-order coefficient linear iteration model of inverter, recreated the chaotic behavior of system by using bifurcation diagram and folding figure, sought Jacobian matrix and equilibrium point of the system. Secondly, the delay feedback control is added and the limiting conditions of the control parameters are given based on the Juri criterion. Finally, numerical modeling experiments are unfolded to declaration the meliority of the chaos control method. The results indicate that the bifurcation point of the proportional parameter K of the system moves from 0. 573 to 0. 973 after the delay feedback control is applied, and the system still runs stably when the input voltage of dc power supply changes abruptly. The results show that the stability domain of the second-order inverter is increased and the overall disturbance immunity is enhanced after the delay feedback control is applied.
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