陈曼桐,侯培国.基于相对定位技术实现对 Apriltags测量范围拓展的研究[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2023,37(3):74-85
基于相对定位技术实现对 Apriltags测量范围拓展的研究
Method to expand the measuring range of Apriltags based on relative positioning
中文关键词:  单目视觉  位姿测量  Apriltags  相对定位
英文关键词:monocular vision  pose estimation  Apriltags  relative position
陈曼桐 1.燕山大学电气工程学院 
侯培国 1.燕山大学电气工程学院 
Chen Mantong 1.Institute of Electrical Engineering, Yanshan University 
Hou Peiguo 1.Institute of Electrical Engineering, Yanshan University 
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      Apriltags 标签定位在远距离测量时会出现定位精度不高的问题。 本文对其形成原因进行了简要的分析,并提出了一种 基于相对定位技术实现对 Apriltags 标签纵向测量准确度的提升和纵向测量范围拓展的方法。 该方法通过将长距离分解为多段 短距离的叠加以实现在保证测量精度的前提下对长距离 Apriltags 标签的空间位姿测量。 当直接测量与间接测量结果均存在 时,通过数据融合的方式结合两种测量方法各自的优势。 该方法可以在保证横向距离与高度测量准确度的情况下,有效提升中 远距离下标签的纵向距离测量准确度。 仿真实验与真实实验验证了该方法的有效性,并实现了在 3 m(12. 5 倍标签尺寸)的中 远距离情况下绝对测量误差降低 1 dm,相对测量误差降低 0. 45%。
      There is a problem of low positioning accuracy when using Apriltags to measure tags in long distance. In this paper, we analyze the causes of the problem, and propose a method to improve the longitudinal measurement accuracy and range of Apriltags based on relative positioning technology. This method solves the problem by dividing long distance into few short distance and obtains the space position by calculating with ensuring the measurement accuracy. When both direct measurement and indirect measurement results exist, combine the respective advantages of the two methods through the way of data fusion. This method can effectively improve the longitudinal distance measurement accuracy of tags at medium and long distances while ensuring the measurement accuracy of transverse distance and height. We verified the effectiveness of the method by conducting the simulation experiments and real experiments, achieved the reduction of 1 dm absolute measurement error and 0. 45% relative measurement error at a distance of 3 m ( equal to 12. 5 times the tag size).
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