周英钢,邵佳伟.对数螺旋阵列的相干信号 DOA 估计研究[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2023,37(2):220-227
对数螺旋阵列的相干信号 DOA 估计研究
Research on DOA estimation of coherent signals from logarithmic spiral arrays
中文关键词:  对数螺旋阵列  相干信号  协方差矩阵  MUSIC 算法
英文关键词:logarithmic spiral arrays  coherent signal  covariance matrix  MUSIC algorithm
周英钢 1.沈阳工业大学信息科学与工程学院 
邵佳伟 1.沈阳工业大学信息科学与工程学院 
Zhou Yinggang 1.School of Information Science and Engineering, Shenyang University of Technology 
Shao Jiawei 1.School of Information Science and Engineering, Shenyang University of Technology 
摘要点击次数: 456
全文下载次数: 861
      在对数螺旋阵相干信号 DOA 估计的研究中,本文提出一种 VA-MMUSIC 算法,把对数螺旋阵虚拟成均匀线阵,推导出 虚拟后阵列的协方差矩阵,再将协方差矩阵应用到 MMUSIC 算法中,对相干信号进行 DOA 估计。 仿真结果表明,VA-MMUSIC 算法,能够实现对相干信号的 DOA 估计,且在信噪比为 10 dB,信号间隔在 5°以内时,VA-MMUSIC 算法依然能准确地估计出相 干信号源的方位角,误差始终保持在 0. 5°内,验证了此方法的有效性。 并在实际实验条件下利用对数螺旋阵列接收相干信号 源数据,验证了实际环境下 VA-MMUSIC 算法的有效性。
      In the research of DOA estimation of coherent signals from logarithmic spiral arrays, this paper proposes a VA-MMUSIC algorithm that virtualizes the logarithmic spiral array into a uniform line array, derives the covariance matrix of the virtualized array, then applies the covariance matrix to the MMUSIC algorithm to perform DOA estimation of coherent signals. Simulation results show that the VA-MMUSIC algorithm, is able to achieve DOA estimation of coherent signals, and at a signal-to-noise ratio of 10 dB and signal intervals within 5°, the VA-MMUSIC algorithm is still able to accurately estimate the azimuth of the coherent signal source, with errors always remaining within 0. 5°, verifying the effectiveness of this method. The effectiveness of the VA-MMUSIC algorithm in a practical environment is also verified by using a logarithmic spiral array to receive coherent signal source data under real experimental conditions.
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