王豪杰,程伟强,阳 进,陈 超,沙慧军,李顺昌,陈汉祥.一种光模块自动化测试系统设计与实现[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2023,37(2):211-219
Design and implementation of an automatic testsystem for coherent optical module
中文关键词:  相干技术  光模块  自动化  方案  测试系统
英文关键词:coherent technology  transceiver  automation  solution  test system
王豪杰 1. 中国移动通信有限公司研究院 
程伟强 1. 中国移动通信有限公司研究院 
阳 进 1. 中国移动通信有限公司研究院 
陈 超 2. 唯亚威(VIAVI)通信技术(北京)有限公司 
沙慧军 2. 唯亚威(VIAVI)通信技术(北京)有限公司 
李顺昌 2. 唯亚威(VIAVI)通信技术(北京)有限公司 
陈汉祥 2. 唯亚威(VIAVI)通信技术(北京)有限公司 
Wang Haojie 1. China Mobile Research Institute 
Cheng Weiqiang 1. China Mobile Research Institute 
Yang Jin 1. China Mobile Research Institute 
Chen Chao 2. VIAVI Solutions 
Sha Huijun 2. VIAVI Solutions 
Li Shunchang 2. VIAVI Solutions 
Chen Hanxiang 2. VIAVI Solutions 
摘要点击次数: 474
全文下载次数: 937
      可插拔相干光模块软硬件复杂度高导致传统手动测试方式无法进行大规模功能和性能评测,严重制约模块测试效率及 产能。 本文设计并实现了面向 400 和 800 Gb / s 相干光模块的自动化测试系统,利用可编程信号调理元件的自动化操控能力, 可以稳定、高效地对相干光模块的固件、状态时序和收发光学指标等功能或性能参数进行测试验证。 通过搭建测试系统对多厂 商 400ZR 和 400ZR+模块进行测试验证,测试时间相比传统手动测试方式可以降低近一个数量级,大幅提高测试效率。
      The internal hardware and software of coherent optical transceivers are relatively complicated, and it is hard to carry out a large-scale test with the conventional manual method. The testing efficiency and productivity of coherent optical modules are also seriously restricted. To this end, an automated test system for 400 and 800 Gb / s coherent optical modules is designed and implemented. This system utilizes the programmable manipulation components to efficiently obtain the firmware, state sequence and optical parameters of coherent transceivers. Moreover, an experimental test setup is built to verify the systemic effectiveness, in which multiple 400ZR and 400ZR+ modules from different vendors are evaluated. The test results show that compared to the manual method, the measuring time can be lowered by nearly an order of magnitude with the proposed method, which significantly improves the testing efficiency.
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