宓 超,黄世凤,张钰洁,张志伟,姚 磊.自动化集装箱码头装卸目标三维测量系统设计[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2023,37(2):160-170
Design of 3D measurement system for loading and unloadingtargets in automated container terminals
中文关键词:  自动化码头  集装箱装卸  集装箱锁孔  三维测量
英文关键词:automated terminal  container handling  container keyhole  3D measurement
宓 超 1. 上海海事大学物流工程学院 
黄世凤 2. 上海海事大学物流科学与工程研究院 
张钰洁 1. 上海海事大学物流工程学院 
张志伟 3. 上海海瞩智能科技有限公司 
姚 磊 3. 上海海瞩智能科技有限公司 
Mi Chao 1. Logistics Engineering College, Shanghai Maritime University 
Huang Shifeng 2. Institute of Logistics Science & Engineering, Shanghai Maritime University 
Zhang Yujie 1. Logistics Engineering College, Shanghai Maritime University 
Zhang Zhiwei 3. Shanghai Haizhu Intelligent Technology Co. , Ltd. 
Yao Lei 3. Shanghai Haizhu Intelligent Technology Co. , Ltd. 
摘要点击次数: 753
全文下载次数: 965
      针对传统激光雷达在自动化集装箱码头装卸过程中对集装箱三维姿态定位精度低、成本高等问题,提出了一种基于视 觉的集装箱姿态三维测量系统。 首先通过小规模的深度学习网络快速进行集装箱锁孔粗定位,其次通过传统图像处理算法对 集装箱锁孔进行二次定位得到集装箱锁孔的精确位置,最后结合装卸过程中集装箱的物理运动对集装箱姿态进行三维测量。 实验结果表明,与改进前的深度学习网络相比,测量精度更高、测量速度更快;整体算法的测量精度为 93. 71%,约 12. 45 fps,集 装箱姿态测量平均测量误差约为 4. 95%,满足自动化装卸的要求。
      Aiming at the problems of low positioning accuracy and high cost of traditional LiDAR in the process of loading and unloading of automated container terminals, a vision-based three-dimensional measurement system for container attitude is proposed. Firstly, through a small - scale deep learning network for rapid coarse positioning container corner, secondly, the traditional image processing algorithm is used to reposition the container corner pieces to obtain the precise position of the container keyhole, and the threedimensional measurement of the container posture is carried out in combination with the physical movement of the container during the loading and unloading process. The experimental results show that compared with the deep learning network before improvement, the measurement accuracy is higher and the measurement speed is faster, the measurement accuracy of the overall algorithm is 93. 71%, about 12. 45 frames/ s, and the average measurement error of container attitude measurement is about 4. 95%, which meets the requirements of automatic loading and unloading.
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