王 楠,赵一帆,张 楠,陈毅华,张昌明,王 鹏.水膜压力监测节点旋转非接触供电耦合机理研究[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2023,37(2):142-150
Research on coupling mechanism of rotating contactless power supplycoupler for water film pressure wireless monitoring node
中文关键词:  水润滑轴承  水膜压力  无线监测节点  旋转非接触供电  耦合机理
英文关键词:water-lubricated bearing  water film pressure  wireless monitoring node  contactless power supply  coupling mechanism
王 楠 1. 陕西理工大学机械工程学院,2. 陕西省工业自动化重点实验室,3. 起落架及飞机结构件加工检测陕西省高校工程研究中心 
赵一帆 1. 陕西理工大学机械工程学院,2. 陕西省工业自动化重点实验室,3. 起落架及飞机结构件加工检测陕西省高校工程研究中心 
张 楠 1. 陕西理工大学机械工程学院,2. 陕西省工业自动化重点实验室,3. 起落架及飞机结构件加工检测陕西省高校工程研究中心 
陈毅华 1. 陕西理工大学机械工程学院,2. 陕西省工业自动化重点实验室,3. 起落架及飞机结构件加工检测陕西省高校工程研究中心 
张昌明 1. 陕西理工大学机械工程学院,2. 陕西省工业自动化重点实验室,3. 起落架及飞机结构件加工检测陕西省高校工程研究中心 
王 鹏 1. 陕西理工大学机械工程学院,2. 陕西省工业自动化重点实验室,3. 起落架及飞机结构件加工检测陕西省高校工程研究中心 
Wang Nan 1. School of Mechanical Engineering, Shaanxi University of Technology,2. Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Industrial Automation,3. Engineering Research Center of Manufacturing and Testing for Landing Gear and Aircraft Structural Parts, Universities of Shaanxi Province 
Zhao Yifan 1. School of Mechanical Engineering, Shaanxi University of Technology,2. Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Industrial Automation,3. Engineering Research Center of Manufacturing and Testing for Landing Gear and Aircraft Structural Parts, Universities of Shaanxi Province 
Zhang Nan 1. School of Mechanical Engineering, Shaanxi University of Technology,2. Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Industrial Automation,3. Engineering Research Center of Manufacturing and Testing for Landing Gear and Aircraft Structural Parts, Universities of Shaanxi Province 
Chen Yihua 1. School of Mechanical Engineering, Shaanxi University of Technology,2. Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Industrial Automation,3. Engineering Research Center of Manufacturing and Testing for Landing Gear and Aircraft Structural Parts, Universities of Shaanxi Province 
Zhang Changming 1. School of Mechanical Engineering, Shaanxi University of Technology,2. Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Industrial Automation,3. Engineering Research Center of Manufacturing and Testing for Landing Gear and Aircraft Structural Parts, Universities of Shaanxi Province 
Wang Peng 1. School of Mechanical Engineering, Shaanxi University of Technology,2. Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Industrial Automation,3. Engineering Research Center of Manufacturing and Testing for Landing Gear and Aircraft Structural Parts, Universities of Shaanxi Province 
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      水润滑轴承水膜压力无线监测方法中,由于节点随主轴旋转,其供电成为一大难题。 而常见的电池、滑环和自供电等供 电方法均无法保证无线监测节点的持续和稳定性,因此,提出一种非接触供电方法并深入研究耦合机构电磁耦合机理。 首先, 通过耦合机构磁通路径建立等效磁路模型,获得了物理模型与电感参数的映射关系。 然后,结合有限元仿真分析了耦合机构中 磁芯数量、气隙、径向偏移和旋转等因素对耦合性能的影响,并对两侧电路进行无功补偿,通过联合仿真对比了补偿前后的输出 功率。 最后,将耦合机构安装在水润滑轴承试验台上进行了动态测试试验。 研究结果表明,仿真与试验一致性较好,该耦合机 构在 5 mm 气隙下能够兼顾耦合和抗偏移性能,且不受旋转工况影响,经过补偿后的耦合机构平均输出功率为 12. 496 W,传输 效率为 71. 96%,满足无线监测节点需要。
      Due to wireless monitoring node rotates with shaft to monitor the film pressure of water-lubricated bearing, the power supply for wireless node is difficult. The continuity with stability of wireless monitoring node cannot be realized by common power supply methods, such as battery-powered, slipring-powered, self-powered, etc. For this reason, a contactless power supply method is proposed, and the coupling mechanism of coupler is studied. First, in order to obtain the relationship between coupler and electrical parameters, the equivalent magnetic circuit model of coupler was established by magnetic flux path. Second, the influence of core numbers, gap length, radial offset, and rotation to coupling performance were analyzed by FEA, the capacitor is used to compensate the coupler circuit, and the output power before and after compensation was compared by co-simulation. Finally, the coupler was installed on water-lubricated bearing test-rig, and the dynamic test was conducted. The research results show that the simulation and test have favorable consistency, the coupler has well coupled and offset resistance performances when the gap length is 5 mm, meanwhile, it is not affected by rotation condition. After compensation, the average output power of coupler is 12. 496 W with a transmission efficiency of 71. 96%, which can meet the needs of wireless monitoring node.
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