李佳润,陈世利.浅水域的高频宽带 ADCP 系统[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2023,37(2):130-141
浅水域的高频宽带 ADCP 系统
High frequency broadband ADCP system for shallow water
中文关键词:  宽带 ADCP  流层分辨力  流速测量  片上系统  浅水域
英文关键词:broadband ADCP  stratospheric measurement  velocity measurement  system on chip  shallow waters
李佳润 1.天津大学精密测试技术及仪器国家重点实验室 
陈世利 1.天津大学精密测试技术及仪器国家重点实验室 
Li Jiarun 1.State Key Laboratory of Precision Measuring Technology and Instruments, Tianjin University 
Chen Shili 1.State Key Laboratory of Precision Measuring Technology and Instruments, Tianjin University 
摘要点击次数: 721
全文下载次数: 740
      浅水域测流可以促进防洪灌溉等水利工程的发展。 宽带多普勒剖面流速仪( acoustic Doppler current profiler, ADCP)可 以精确监测水域的流层流速信息。 应用于浅水域测流的宽带 ADCP 在较窄流层内不容易达到较好的速度精度,同时窄流层内 容易受到局部湍流干扰。 针对上述问题,本文提出了基于 η 准则的解算结果最优值检索方式,优化了局部相关性评估方法,完 成了基于片上系统(system on chip, SoC)的 ADCP 系统的设计;用声束-流速夹角产生的径向流速进一步验证了算法的效果;并 完成了室外航船实验。 在较窄的径向层厚(6. 3 cm)、伴有湍流干扰时,应用提出的方法后可以将速度精密度提高 37%,准确度 提高 77%,低信噪比时能分别提高 66%和 72%;根据测速值计算的角度与设定角度的误差为 3. 06°,应用提出的方法处理后误 差降为 2. 60°;根据测量速度的误差关系求得的角度误差可达 0. 6°;平静湖泊航船实验中,系统解算标准差最小仅 1 mm/ s,层间 流速误差仅为 1 mm/ s,接近理论流速分布。
      Flow measurement in shallow water is of great significance for hydrological observation in intracontinental aera, which can promote the development of flood control irrigation and other water conservancy projects. The broadband acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) can accurately monitor the information of the flow velocity in the water area. The broadband ADCP used for shallow water flow measurement is not easy to achieve better velocity accuracy in the narrow flow layer and is vulnerable to local turbulence interference in the narrow flow layer. To solve the above problems, this paper proposes a retrieval method of the optimal value of the solution results based on η criterion, optimizes the local correlation evaluation method, and completes the development of the ADCP system based on system on chip (SoC). The effect of the algorithm is further verified by the radial velocity generated by the beam-velocity angle. The outdoor sailing experiment is carried out. When the radial layer thickness is 6. 3 cm with turbulence interference, the velocity precision and degree of accuracy can be improved by 37% and 77% respectively after the algorithm is applied, 66% and 72% respectively in the case of low SNR. The error between the angle calculated according to the speed measurement value and the set value is 3. 06°, which is reduced to 2. 60°after algorithm processing. The angle error obtained by the error relation of measured speed can reach 0. 6°. In the boat experiment in a calm lake, the standard deviation of the system can reach 1 mm/ s, and the error of interlayer velocity can reach 1 mm/ s, which is close to the theoretical velocity distribution.
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