Path planning method of unmanned targetvehicle under different speed conditions
中文关键词:  无人靶车  路径规划  A ∗ 算法  扇形搜索  速度差异
英文关键词:unmanned target vehicle  path planning algorithm  A ∗ algorithm  sector search  different driving speeds
谢高杨 1.陆军工程大学石家庄校区火炮工程系 
房立清 1.陆军工程大学石家庄校区火炮工程系 
苏续军 1.陆军工程大学石家庄校区火炮工程系 
李亚男 1.陆军工程大学石家庄校区火炮工程系 
Xie Gaoyang 1.Department of Artillery Engineering, Army Engineering University of PLA 
Fang Liqing 1.Department of Artillery Engineering, Army Engineering University of PLA 
Su Xujun 1.Department of Artillery Engineering, Army Engineering University of PLA 
Li Yanan 1.Department of Artillery Engineering, Army Engineering University of PLA 
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全文下载次数: 756
      无人靶车是各类精确制导武器在实验和测试阶段的打击目标,为测试制导武器对不同速度车辆的打击能力,无人靶车 应具有在不同车速下完成路径选择和路径规划的能力。 针对这一问题,提出一种可以适用于不同车速条件的无人靶车路径规 划算法。 该算法在传统 A ∗ 搜索算法的基础上进行了改进,将航向角约束与圆弧形搜索方法相结合,同时将车辆的速度特性与 搜索步长建立对应关系,得到一种更符合车辆行驶规律的 A ∗ 搜索算法。 为验证该算法优化的有效性,使用 MATLAB 进行仿真 验证,结果表明,本文改进的 A ∗ 算法,能够解决不同速度(30、45、60 km/ h)要求下的路径规划问题,并在某地区遥感地图上进 行了验证,最后证明能够为无人靶车不同车速下的路径规划问题提供一种新的解决方案。
      The unmanned target vehicle is the target of all kinds of guided weapons in the experiment and test stage. In order to test the hitting accuracy of guided weapons under the conditions of different driving speeds, the unmanned target vehicle should be able to complete path selection and path planning under the conditions of different speeds. In order to solve this problem, this paper proposes a path planning algorithm for unmanned target vehicle which can be applied to different speed conditions. This algorithm is improved on the basis of the traditional A ∗ search algorithm. Combining the heading angle constraint and arc search method, and establishing the corresponding relationship between vehicle speed characteristics and search step length. This improved A ∗ algorithm is more in line with the characteristics of vehicle driving. In order to verify the effectiveness of the algorithm optimization, MATLAB was used for simulation verification. The results showed that: The improved A ∗ algorithm in this paper meets the steering limit of unmanned target vehicle, it can solve the problem of path planning at different speeds (30, 45, 60 km/ h). The experiment on remote sensing map proves that it can provide a new solution for the path planning problem of unmanned military target vehicle at different speed.
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