杨春尧,陈 涛,桑永豪,平 夏,李配配,杨 帆.开关磁阻电机初始位置估算技术的研究[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2023,37(1):239-248
Research on initial position estimation of switched reluctance motor
中文关键词:  开关磁阻电机  无位置传感器  初始位置估计  脉冲注入
英文关键词:switched reluctance motor  sensorless  initial position  pulse injection
杨春尧 1. 四川省产品质量监督检验检测院 
陈 涛 1. 四川省产品质量监督检验检测院 
桑永豪 2. 国家电网淮南供电公司,3. 中国矿业大学 
平 夏 2. 国家电网淮南供电公司 
李配配 2. 国家电网淮南供电公司 
杨 帆 3. 中国矿业大学 
Yang Chunyao 1. Sichuan Institute of Product Quality Supervision, Inspection and Testing 
Chen Tao 1. Sichuan Institute of Product Quality Supervision, Inspection and Testing 
Sang Yonghao 2. State Grid Huainan Power Supply Company,3. School of Electrical Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology 
Ping Xia 2. State Grid Huainan Power Supply Company 
Li Peipei 2. State Grid Huainan Power Supply Company 
Yang Fan 3. School of Electrical Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology 
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全文下载次数: 702
      针对开关磁阻电机在惯性状态下难以测算初始位置的问题,设计了一种基于脉冲注入法的初始位置估算策略,该策略 可以在电机静止状态和惯性状态都可以有效获取电机的初始位置。 首先该策略对脉冲电流励磁时间和注入频率的选取原则进 行了分析,使得开关管等器件在安全工作环境下正常运行,保证实验操作的可行性;其次使用脉冲注入法对开关磁阻电机实施 电感平均分区,分别对电机静止和具有惯性速度下的位置定位进行研究,最后在一台三相 6 / 4 结构的开关磁阻电机上进行了实 验。 实验结果验证该方法在不增加额外硬件电路的条件下,可以有效测算出电机在静止状态或惯性状态下的初始位置,同时该 控制算法简单、操作方便,具有较强的普适性以及可移植性。
      In view of the shortcomings of that it is difficult to calculate the initial position of switched reluctance motor in the inertial state, an initial position estimation strategy based on pulse injection method is proposed in this paper. The initial position of the motor can be obtained in both static state and inertia state when the strategy is adopted. Firstly, the selection principle of pulse current excitation time and injection frequency is analyzed, so that the switches and other devices can operate normally in a safe working environment. Then, the feasibility of experimental operation can be guaranteed. Secondly, the pulse injection method is used to implement the average inductance partition of the switched reluctance motor, and the position positioning of the motor at rest and with inertial speed is studied respectively. Finally, the experiment is carried out on a three-phase 6 / 4 switched reluctance motor. The experimental results show that the method can effectively measure the initial position of the motor in the inertial state or static state without adding additional hardware circuits. At the same time, the control algorithm is simple, easy to operate, and has strong universality and portability.
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