李建国,张鑫奎,郑云水.安装角度偏差及列车速度对应答器电磁 传输性能影响研究[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2023,37(1):212-221
安装角度偏差及列车速度对应答器电磁 传输性能影响研究
Research on influence of installation angular deviation and train speed onthe electromagnetic transmission performance of balise
中文关键词:  应答器  传输性能  列车速度  角度偏差
英文关键词:balise  transmission performance  running speed  angular deviation
基金项目:中国高校产学研创新基金(2021LDA07002)、四电 BIM 工程与智能应用铁路行业重点实验室开放基金课题项目(BIMKF-2021-06)、 教育部 2021 年产学合作协同育人项目(202101023013)、甘肃省自然科学基金项目(20JR5RA396)资助
李建国 1. 兰州交通大学自动化与电气工程学院,2. 四电 BIM 工程与智能应用铁路行业重点实验室 
张鑫奎 1. 兰州交通大学自动化与电气工程学院 
郑云水 1. 兰州交通大学自动化与电气工程学院,2. 四电 BIM 工程与智能应用铁路行业重点实验室 
Li Jianguo 1. School of Automatic & Electrical Engineering, Lanzhou Jiaotong University,2. Key Laboratory of Four Power BIM Engineering and Intelligent Application Railway Industry 
Zhang Xinkui 1. School of Automatic & Electrical Engineering, Lanzhou Jiaotong University 
Zheng Yunshui 1. School of Automatic & Electrical Engineering, Lanzhou Jiaotong University,2. Key Laboratory of Four Power BIM Engineering and Intelligent Application Railway Industry 
摘要点击次数: 735
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      作为高速铁路车地通信的关键设备,应答器信息传输的准确性直接影响列车安全高效运行,为研究列车速度与应答器 倾斜、俯仰、偏转角度偏差对其传输性能的影响,针对应答器传输系统作用过程,分析其工作原理,建立 BTM 天线接收上行链路 信号动态模型,应答器角度偏差理论模型,计算穿过 BTM 天线磁通量、BTM 接收天线感应电动势,仿真不同列车速度及应答器 安装角度偏差下 BTM 接收线圈感应电动势幅值曲线,计算分析上述情况下应答器作用距离、BTM 作用时间、接收比特数等性能 指标变化情况。 研究表明,应答器作用距离随列车速度增大而减小,速度每增加 50 km/ h 应答器作用区磁场强度减小 0. 2 dB, BTM 作用时间、动态接收比特数、动态接收报文安全帧数与列车速度均呈反比关系;列车速度一定,BTM 动态接收比特数随应 答器倾斜角、偏转角的增大呈线性减小,在现场施工维护过程中应重点对应答器倾斜偏转进行查验;满足 BTM 接收报文误比特 率的条件下,现状应答器传输系统的适用性速度限值为 420 km/ h。
      As the key equipment of high-speed railway train ground communication, the accuracy of balise information transmission directly affects the safe and efficient running of trains. In order to study the influence of train speed and balise tilting, pitching and yawing angular deviation on its transmission performance, the working principle of balise transmission system is analyzed according to its working process, and a dynamic model of BTM antenna receiving up-link signal and a theoretical model of balise angular deviation are established. Calculate the magnetic flux passing through the BTM antenna and the induced electromotive force of the BTM receiving antenna, simulate the amplitude curve of the induced electromotive force of the BTM receiving coil under different train speeds and balise installation angular deviation, and calculate and analyze the changes of the balise contact length, BTM operating time, receiving bits and other performance indicators under the above conditions. The research shows that: The contact length of balise decreases with the increase of the train speed. For every 50 km/ h increase in speed, the magnetic field intensity in the contact zone of balise decreases by 0. 2 dB. The BTM operating time, the number of dynamic receiving bits, and the number of safe frames of dynamic receiving telegram are inversely proportional to the train speed. When the train speed is constant, the number of dynamic receiving bits of BTM decreases linearly with the increase of balise tilt angle and yaw angle. In the process of on-site construction and maintenance, we should focus on checking the transponder tilt deflection. Under the condition of meeting the bit error rate of BTM received message, the applicable speed limit of the current transponder transmission system is 420 km/ h.
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