程 宁,侯德林.基于尺度与对比度不变的图像边缘检测算法[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2023,37(1):140-148
Image edge detection algorithm based on invariance of scale and contrast
中文关键词:  边缘检测  边缘表示  尺度归一化  梯度幅度  对比度不变性
英文关键词:edge detection  edge representation  scale normalization  gradient amplitude  contrast invariance
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(71571139)、湖北省教育厅重点研究项目(17D047)、教育部科学研究青年基金项目(10YJC870010)、湖北省人文 社科重点研究基地-企业决策支持中心重点项目(DSS20180602)资助
程 宁 1. 湖北轻工职业技术学院信息工程学院 
侯德林 2. 武汉纺织大学管理学院 
Cheng Ning 1. Department of Information Engineering, Hubei Light Industry Technology Institute 
Hou Delin 2. School of Management, Wuhan Textile University 
摘要点击次数: 415
全文下载次数: 797
      为了克服当前边缘检测器中难以准确估计边缘的对比度和宽度,且易受到噪声影响,导致其边缘提取精度降低的问题,设计了 一种尺度与对比不变的边缘检测算法。 首先,借助 Gaussian 分布函数来描述目标边缘,求解闭合形式的位置、宽度、对比度、偏移和方 向等参数,并且将噪声滤除为低对比度特征。 其次,定义了一种尺度归一化方法,确保所有像素点在尺度空间中都能获得稳定的极值。 然后,通过梯度幅度信息,基于 Laplacian 计算方法,构建尺度与对比度不变的边缘检测器,消除对比度参数的影响,准确获取图像的边 缘。 测试数据显示,较已有的边缘检测方法而言,所提方法呈现更优的提取效果,得到的边缘更加清晰与完整。
      In order to overcome the problem that difficult to accurately estimate the contrast and width of the edge, and easy to be affected by noise, which resulting in the reduction of the edge extraction accuracy in the current edge detector. A multi-scale differential edge detection algorithm with invariant scale and contrast was designed. Firstly, a mathematical function was used to represent the edge and to calculate the position, width, contrast, offset and direction of the closed form. The noise was filtered out as a low contrast feature. Secondly, a precise scale normalization method is defined to make the features of different dimensions comparable and improve the accuracy of the classifier. Then, through the derivative of gradient amplitude squared and the Laplaian calculation of gradient amplitude squared, the influence of contrast parameters was eliminated, and the edge detector with constant scale and contrast was constructed to output the edge. Experimental results show that the proposed method presents higher edge extraction effect, and the edge is more clear and complete compared with the current edge detection technology.
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