杨 瑞,李维勤,白 清,王 宇,刘 昕,靳宝全.CEEMDAN-WT 降噪提升 BOTDA 信噪比研究[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2022,36(12):28-36
Signal-to-noise ratio improvement for BOTDA using CEEMDAN-WT method
中文关键词:  布里渊光时域分析仪  CEEMDAN  小波阈值  信噪比
英文关键词:Brillouin optical time domain analyzer  CEEMDAN  wavelet threshold  signal-to-noise ratio
基金项目:中国博士后科学基金 (2021M691989)、山西省重点研发计划(202102130501021)、山西省科技创新人才团队专项(201805D131003)项目资助
杨 瑞 1. 太原理工大学新型传感器与智能控制教育部与山西省重点实验室 
李维勤 1. 太原理工大学新型传感器与智能控制教育部与山西省重点实验室 
白 清 1. 太原理工大学新型传感器与智能控制教育部与山西省重点实验室,2. 山西省交通科技研发有限公司 
王 宇 1. 太原理工大学新型传感器与智能控制教育部与山西省重点实验室,2. 山西省交通科技研发有限公司 
刘 昕 1. 太原理工大学新型传感器与智能控制教育部与山西省重点实验室,2. 山西省交通科技研发有限公司 
靳宝全 1. 太原理工大学新型传感器与智能控制教育部与山西省重点实验室 
Yang Rui 1. Key Laboratory of Advanced Transducers and Intelligent Control System of Ministry of Education and Shanxi Province, Taiyuan University of technology 
Li Weiqin 1. Key Laboratory of Advanced Transducers and Intelligent Control System of Ministry of Education and Shanxi Province, Taiyuan University of technology 
Bai Qing 1. Key Laboratory of Advanced Transducers and Intelligent Control System of Ministry of Education and Shanxi Province, Taiyuan University of technology,2. Shanxi Transportation Technology Research & Development Co. , Ltd. 
Wang Yu 1. Key Laboratory of Advanced Transducers and Intelligent Control System of Ministry of Education and Shanxi Province, Taiyuan University of technology,2. Shanxi Transportation Technology Research & Development Co. , Ltd. 
Liu Xin 1. Key Laboratory of Advanced Transducers and Intelligent Control System of Ministry of Education and Shanxi Province, Taiyuan University of technology,2. Shanxi Transportation Technology Research & Development Co. , Ltd. 
Jin Baoquan 1. Key Laboratory of Advanced Transducers and Intelligent Control System of Ministry of Education and Shanxi Province, Taiyuan University of technology 
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全文下载次数: 2236
      针对布里渊光时域分析仪(BOTDA)存在的信号噪声问题,提出一种自适应噪声完备集合经验模态分解联合小波阈值 (CEEMDAN-WT)的降噪方法。 首先,分析了 CEEMDAN-WT 算法降噪原理,基于微波扫频测量原理建立了 BOTDA 信号解调模 型,通过仿真研究验证了 CEEMDAN-WT 方法可有效去除信号中的随机噪声。 其次,搭建了 BOTDA 测温系统,在不同传感距离 和不同空间分辨率下进行了降噪效果实验验证。 结果表明,在 30 km 的传感距离和 2 m 的空间分辨率下,CEEMDAN-WT 方法 将光纤末端的信噪比提升了 8. 89 dB。 研究证明,CEEMDAN-WT 方法可为 BOTDA 信噪比提升提供一种有效方案。
      To improve the Brillouin optical time domain analysis (BOTDA) system performance limited by signal noise, we proposed a noise reduction method based on complete ensemble empirical mode decomposition with adaptive noise combined wavelet threshold (CEEMDAN-WT). First, the noise reduction principle of CEEMDAN-WT algorithm is analyzed. Besides, the BOTDA signal demodulation model is set up based on the principle of microwave sweep frequency measurement. The simulation results show that CEEMDAN-WT method can remove the random noise in the signal effectively. Then, the BOTDA system is set up for temperature measurement. The CEEMDAN-WT method is adopted to suppress the noise of each measured power curve at different sensing distances and different spatial resolutions. Finally, the experimental results show that the signal-to-noise ratio ( SNR) at the end of the optical fiber is improved by 8. 89 dB utilizing the CEEMDAN-WT noise reduction method, under the sensing distance of 30 km and the spatial resolution of 2 m. Research show that the CEEMDAN-WT method provides an effective scheme for improving the SNR of BOTDA.
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