Optimization of vapor flow characteristics of flat micro-heatpipe with copper foam suction core
中文关键词:  平板微热管  气流通道  蒸汽流量  热阻
英文关键词:flat micro-heat pipe  airflow channel  steam flow  thermal resistance
冯应军 1. 昆明理工大学信息工程与自动化学院 
廖钟云滕 1. 昆明理工大学信息工程与自动化学院 
赵振刚 1. 昆明理工大学信息工程与自动化学院,2. 云南省绿色能源与数字电力量测及控保重点实验室 
Feng Yingjun 1. Faculty of Information Engineering and Automation, Kunming University of Science and Technology 
Liaozhong Yunteng 1. Faculty of Information Engineering and Automation, Kunming University of Science and Technology 
Zhao Zhengang 1. Faculty of Information Engineering and Automation, Kunming University of Science and Technology, 2. Yunnan Key Laboratory of Green Energy, Electric Power Measurement Digitalization,Control and Protection 
摘要点击次数: 860
全文下载次数: 667
      为进一步提高平板微热管(FMHP)的传热效率,采用模拟仿真和实验研究的方法,对比研究了不同横梁结构的气流通 道对平板微热管气体流动特性和传热性能的影响。 在仿真软件中,气流通道入口处压力为 50 Pa 的条件下,时间为 1 s 时 4 种 结构通过的气体流通量分别是 7. 451 6、21. 915 3、19. 239 2、23. 192 8 m 3 。 实验工质为甲醛,充液率为 80% ~ 100%,热量输入为 0. 5~ 2 W。 实验结果发现,弧形结构的气流通道更有利于降低平板微热管的热阻,提高传热能力。 充液率为 100%时,RSCFMHP、RMC-FMHP 、CSC-FMHP、CMC-FMHP 的热阻分别是 10. 137 5、9. 125、9. 575、8. 887 5 ℃ / W。 CMC-FMHP 的热阻相比较 于 RSC-FMHP、RMC-FMHP 、CSC-FMHP 的热阻,分别下降了 1. 25、0. 237 5、0. 687 5 ℃ / W。
      In order to further improve the heat transfer efficiency of flat plate micro hearts, the effects of airflow channels of different beam structures on gas flow characteristics and heat transfer performance of flat plate micro heat pipes are compared and studied by simulation and experimental research. In the simulation software, the gas flow through the four structures at a time of 50 Pa at the inlet pressure of the airflow channel is 7. 451 6, 21. 915 3, 19. 239 2 and 23. 192 8 m 3 , respectively. The experimental working medium is Methanol, the liquid filling rate is 80% ~ 100%, and the heat input is 0. 5~ 2 W. Experimental results show that the airflow channel of the arc structure is more conducive to reducing the thermal resistance of the plate micro heat and improving the heat transfer capacity. At a filling rate of 100%, the thermal resistance of RSC-FMHP, RMC-FMHP, CSC-FMHP, and CMC-FMHP is 10. 137 5, 9. 125, 9. 575, and 8. 887 5 ℃ / W, respectively. Compared with the thermal resistance of RSC-FMHP, RMC-FMHP, and CSC-FMHP, the thermal resistance of CMC-FMHP decreased by 1. 25, 0. 237 5 and 0. 687 5 ℃ / W, respectively.
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