陈 特,蔡英凤,陈 龙,徐 兴.面向无人驾驶的三轴应急救援车辆并行控制方法[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2022,36(9):72-79
Parallel control method for unmanned driving ofthree-axis emergency rescue vehicle
中文关键词:  应急救援车辆  并行控制  车辆稳定性  轨迹跟踪
英文关键词:emergency rescue vehicle  parallel control  vehicle stability  trajectory tracking
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(U20A20331, U20A20333, 51875255, 52072160)、江苏省卓越博士后计划(2022ZB660)、江苏省重点研发计划(BE2020083 3, BE2019010 2)、江苏省六大人才高峰项目(2018 TD GDZB 022)资助
陈 特 1.江苏大学汽车工程研究院 
蔡英凤 1.江苏大学汽车工程研究院 
陈 龙 1.江苏大学汽车工程研究院 
徐 兴 1.江苏大学汽车工程研究院 
Chen Te 1.Automotive Engineering Research Institute, Jiangsu University 
Cai Yingfeng 1.Automotive Engineering Research Institute, Jiangsu University 
Chen Long 1.Automotive Engineering Research Institute, Jiangsu University 
Xu Xing 1.Automotive Engineering Research Institute, Jiangsu University 
摘要点击次数: 1016
全文下载次数: 702
      为实现应急救援车辆轨迹跟踪和横向稳定的优化协调,提出了一种基于哈密顿函数的车辆非线性并行控制方法。 分别 建立了车辆动力学模型和轨迹跟踪模型,通过模型变换将车辆动力学模型和轨迹跟踪模型表示为具有相同控制输入的状态方 程,从而将轨迹跟踪和横向稳定协调控制问题转化为一类非线性并行控制问题,分别设计了轨迹跟踪控制和横向稳定性控制的 哈密顿函数,讨论并证明了基于车辆特性的控制器设计存在条件,提出了一种兼顾应急救援车辆轨迹跟踪和横向稳定控制性能 的非线性并行控制方法,并证明了控制系统稳定性。 结果表明,并行控制下的轨迹跟踪精度和稳定性控制精度分别提升了 10. 13%和 13. 79%,从而验证所设计方法能够更好地实现应急救援车辆轨迹跟踪和横向稳定的协调控制。
      In order to realize the optimal coordination of trajectory tracking and lateral stability of emergency rescue vehicles, a vehicle nonlinear parallel control method based on Hamiltonian function is proposed. The vehicle dynamics model and trajectory tracking model are established respectively, the vehicle dynamics model and trajectory tracking model are expressed as state equations with the same control input through model transformation, thus, the trajectory tracking and lateral stability coordinated control problem is transformed into a class of nonlinear parallel control problem. The Hamiltonian functions of trajectory tracking control and lateral stability control are designed respectively, and the existence conditions of controller design based on vehicle characteristics are discussed and proved, then, a nonlinear parallel control method considering the trajectory tracking and lateral stability control performance of emergency rescue vehicles is proposed, and the stability of control system is proved. The results show that, the trajectory tracking accuracy and stability control accuracy under the parallel control are increased by 10. 13% and 13. 79% respectively, which verifies that the designed method can better realize the coordinated control of trajectory tracking and lateral stability for emergency rescue vehicle.
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