周大林,陈 昊,Mohamed Orabi,Alecksey Anuchin,李晓东,Vitor Fernao Pires,Joao Martins.一种前端级联 DC / DC 变换器的 开关磁阻电机驱动拓扑[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2022,36(9):45-52
一种前端级联 DC / DC 变换器的 开关磁阻电机驱动拓扑
Switched reluctance motor drive topology withfront-end cascaded DC / DC converter
中文关键词:  开关磁阻电机  功率变换器  前端 DC/ DC 变换器  电动汽车
英文关键词:switched reluctance motor  power converter  front-end DC/ DC converter  electric vehicle
基金项目:国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目 2019年度国家自然科学基金委员会与埃及科学研究技术院合作研究项目(51961145401)、南京市国际合作项目(202002034)、徐州市推动科技创新专项资金项目 创新能力建设计划(KC21315)资助
周大林 1. 中国矿业大学电气工程学院,2. 徐州市新能源电动车技术与装备重点实验室 
陈 昊 1. 中国矿业大学电气工程学院,2. 徐州市新能源电动车技术与装备重点实验室 
Mohamed Orabi 3. 阿斯旺大学工程学院电气工程系 
Alecksey Anuchin 4. 国立研究大学“莫斯科动力学院”电力传动系 
李晓东 5. 澳门科技大学资讯科技学院 
Vitor Fernao Pires 6. 塞图巴尔理工学院塞图巴尔高等技术学院,7. INESC-ID 研究所 
Joao Martins 8. 里斯本新大学科学与技术学院电气工程系 
Zhou Dalin 1. School of Electrical Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology,2. Xuzhou Key Laboratory of New Energy Electric Vehicle Technology and Equipment 
Chen Hao 1. School of Electrical Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology,2. Xuzhou Key Laboratory of New Energy Electric Vehicle Technology and Equipment 
Mohamed Orabi 3. Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Aswan University 
Alecksey Anuchin 4. Electric Drives Department,National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute” 
Li Xiaodong 5. Faculty of Information Technology, Macau University of Science and Technology 
Vitor Fernao Pires 6. Superior Technical School of Setúbal, Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal,7. INESC-ID 
Joao Martins 8. Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology, NOVA University of Lisbon 
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      针对开关磁阻电机传统不对称半桥功率变换器在电动汽车应用中的不足,提出了一种新型 DC/ DC 变换器级联在不对 称半桥功率变换器前端,以实现母线电压的调节以及制动能量的可控回馈。 首先,理论分析了变换器的工作模式;其次,分别建 立了励磁电压、退磁电压和关断角关于转速、负载的查找表,从而根据电机工况匹配合适的母线参考电压,并给出了系统整体的 闭环控制方案;最后,在一台三相 6 / 4 结构开关磁阻电机上进行了实验,实验结果验证了提出的新型功率变换器的有效性。
      In view of the shortcomings of the traditional asymmetric half bridge (AHB) power converter of switched reluctance motor ( SRM) in electric vehicle drives, a novel DC/ DC converter cascaded at the front-end of the AHB power converter is proposed to realize the regulation of DC-link voltage and the controllable feedback of braking energy. Firstly, the operating modes of the power converter are analyzed theoretically. Then, the look-up tables of the excitation voltages, the demagnetization voltages and the turn-off angles about speeds and loads are established, respectively, so as to match the proper DC-link reference voltage according to the motor working conditions. And the overall closed-loop control scheme is given. Finally, the experiments are carried out on a three-phase 6 / 4 switched reluctance motor and the experimental results verify the effectiveness of the proposed power converter.
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