Design of high reliability and high performance integrated electronic system for large optical remote sensing satellite
中文关键词:  卫星  综合电子  星务管理  容错机制
英文关键词:satellite  integrated electronic system  satellite house-keeping  fault tolerance
孔令波 1. 长光卫星技术股份有限公司 
陈茂胜 1. 长光卫星技术股份有限公司 
郑惠中 1. 长光卫星技术股份有限公司 
Kong Lingbo 1.Chang Guang Satellite Technology Co. ,Ltd. 
Chen Maosheng 1.Chang Guang Satellite Technology Co. ,Ltd. 
Zheng Huizhong 1.Chang Guang Satellite Technology Co. ,Ltd. 
摘要点击次数: 1435
全文下载次数: 1918
      针对大型光学遥感卫星高可靠高性能和好用易用的需求,设计了一种具有高度容错能力的综合电子系统,详细介绍了 系统的体系架构和信息流设计,深入探讨了卫星运行管理和系统容错机制等关键设计技术。 介绍了所设计综合电子系统在某 型号卫星上的在轨应用情况,该卫星充分采用了论文提出的多冗余备份架构、容错技术和运行管理技术,平均每天完成 21 次成 像和 11 次数传,日均拍摄面积高达 1 100 000 km 2 ,最长连续无故障运行时间超过 6 个月,充分验证了所设计综合电子系统具有 在轨高效稳定运行的能力。
      In response to the requirements of large optical remote sensing satellites for high reliability, high performance and ease-touse, an integrated electronic system with high fault tolerance is presented. The design of system architecture and information flow are showed, and the key design technologies such as satellite operation management and system fault tolerance mechanism are discussed exhaustively. The on-orbit application of the designed integrated electronic system on a certain satellite is introduced. The satellite fully adopts the multi-redundant backup architecture, fault-tolerant technology and operation management technology proposed in the paper, and completes 21 imaging and 11 transmissions per day on average. The average daily shooting area is as high as 1. 1 million square kilometers, and the longest continuous trouble-free operation time is more than 6 months, which fully verifies that the designed integrated electronic system has the ability to operate efficiently and stably in orbit.
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