张申华,杨延西.非静态物体的光栅图像投影 3D 测量方法[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2022,36(8):158-166
非静态物体的光栅图像投影 3D 测量方法
3D measurement method using grating image projection for non-static object
中文关键词:  非静态物体测量  三维形貌  相移法  小波
英文关键词:non-static object  three-dimension measurement  phase-shifting method  the wavelet
基金项目:国家重点研发计划网络协调制造与智能工厂重点专项(2018YFB1703000)、陕西省2020年重点研发计划(2020ZDLGR07 06)、安康学院应急管理专项(2020AYYJ01)项目资助
张申华 1. 西安理工大学自动化学院 2. 安康学院电子与信息工程学院 
杨延西 1. 西安理工大学自动化学院 3. 陕西省复杂系统控制与智能信息处理重点实验室 
Zhang Shenhua 1. School of Automation, Xi′an University of Technology, 2. School of Electronic and Information Engineering,Ankang University 
Yang Yanxi 1. School of Automation, Xi′an University of Technology, 3. Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Complex system Control and Intelligent Information Processing 
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全文下载次数: 838
      针对传统相移法不能直接应用于非静态物体三维(3D)形貌测量的问题,本文提出了 Morlet 小波辅助的改进相移法测 量方法。 首先,利用复 Morlet 小波脊线提取采集条纹图像的相位,估算图像帧之间的相位变化量,并根据帧间相位变化量来修 正相移法的计算模型。 然后,利用修正的计算模型,提取采集光栅图像的相位,并重建出非静态被测体的 3D 形貌。 在对视场 范围内的非静态被测体,本文方法测量的均方根误差为 0. 0816 mm,分别是传统相移法和单帧投影法的 16. 92%、44. 42%,在对 比方法中误差最小。 测量结果表明,本文方法拓展了相移法适用的范围,能够更准确测量非静态被测体的 3D 形貌。
      To deal with the problem that the traditional phase-shifting (PS) method cannot be used to measure the three-dimension (3D) shape for a non-static object, a grating image projection-based method which combines the improved PS method with the Morlet wavelets is proposed. First, the phase of grating image is extracted by the Morlet complex wavelet ridge, the phase variation between image frames is estimated, and the calculation model of the phase-shifting method is modified according to the phase variation. Finally, the phase of the captured grating image is extracted using the modified calculation model, and the 3D shape of the non-static object is reconstructed. The root-mean-square (RMS) error of the proposed method is 0. 081 6 millimeter for a non-static measurement object in the field of view. The RMS error of the proposed method is 16. 92% and 44. 42% of the PS method and the single frame projection method, respectively, and is the smallest among the comparison methods. According to the measurement result, the proposed method expands the application scope of the PS method, and can measure the 3D shape for a non-static object accurately.
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