Performance optimization and experimental research ofcrude oil water content measurement sensor
中文关键词:  原油  电极电导传感器  结构优化  温度和非线性综合补偿参数  最小二乘法
英文关键词:crude oil  electrode conductivity sensor  structural optimization  temperature and nonlinear comprehensive compensation parameters  least square method
孙金辉 1.新疆大学 
谢丽蓉 1.新疆大学 
Sun Jinhui 1.Xinjiang University 
Xie Lirong 1.Xinjiang University 
摘要点击次数: 1318
全文下载次数: 780
      石油开采实际工况复杂多变,在利用电导法在线测量含水率时,环境因素温度、矿化度和传感器本身的电极结构会带来 测量上的偏差。 本研究设计不同电极环内径、激励电极间距的三电极和四电极进行对比实验并利用标定实验获取电导率和温 度信息。 在考虑到温度、信号调理电路等因素造成非线性的情况下,建立综合补偿函数并利用最小二乘法进行优化以求取温度 和非线性综合补偿参数。 通过电极结构的优化和得到的补偿参数实现对传感器的性能优化。 搭建含水率测试系统进行模拟测 试验证,实验表明,经过电极结构参数优化和补偿的传感器测量误差在 2%之内,稳定性较好,可满足原油含水率的测量。
      The actual working conditions of oil extraction are complex and changeable. When using the conductometric method to measure the water content online, the environmental factors, temperature, salinity and the electrode structure of the sensor itself will bring about measurement deviations. In this paper, three-electrode and four-electrode with different electrode ring inner diameter and excitation electrode spacing are designed for comparative experiments, and conductivity and temperature information were obtained by calibration experiments. Considering the nonlinearity caused by temperature and signal conditioning circuit, the comprehensive compensation function is established and optimized by the least square method to obtain the temperature and nonlinear comprehensive compensation parameters. The performance of the sensor is optimized by optimizing the electrode structure and compensating parameters. The water content testing system was established for simulation testing and verification. Experiments show that the measurement error of the sensor optimized and compensated for the electrode structure parameters is within 2%, and the stability is good, which can meet the measurement of crude oil water content.
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