李雪洋,李岩松,刘 君.对称式闭环霍尔电流传感器研究与设计[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2022,36(8):69-76
Symmetrical closed-loop Hall current sensor research and design
中文关键词:  霍尔电流传感器  对称  温度漂移  闭环反馈
英文关键词:Hall current sensor  symmetrical  temperature drift  closed-loop feedback
李雪洋 1.华北电力大学电气与电子工程学院 
李岩松 1.华北电力大学电气与电子工程学院 
刘 君 1.华北电力大学电气与电子工程学院 
Li Xueyang 1.School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, North China Electric Power University 
Li Yansong 1.School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, North China Electric Power University 
Liu Jun 1.School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, North China Electric Power University 
摘要点击次数: 914
全文下载次数: 1832
      霍尔传感器是由半导体材料加工而成的有源器件,其输出电压随着温度变化而产生漂移,这限制了其在高精度磁场测 量场合的应用。 提出了一种新型对称式闭环霍尔电流传感器,对其进行了系统地设计。 利用霍尔元件灵敏度的差异设计了输 出电压运算电路,分析了对称式闭环电流传感器工作原理并给出了闭环传递函数。 电路仿真和样机实验结果表明,对称式闭环 霍尔电流传感器具有较好的温度特性,温度系数减小至 0. 000 8% / ℃ 。 相比其他温度补偿方法,该方法简单易实现,能够实现 温度漂移的完全补偿,霍尔元件可以根据测量需要任意选型,不受驱动方式的限制。
      Hall sensors are active devices manufactured from semiconductor materials, their output voltage drifts with temperature change, which limits their application in high-precision magnetic field measurement. A new symmetrical closed loop Hall current sensor is proposed and systematically designed. The output voltage operation circuit is designed based on the sensitivity difference of Hall element, the working principle of symmetrical closed-loop current sensor is analyzed and the closed-loop transfer function is given. The results of circuit simulation and prototype experiment show that the symmetrical closed-loop Hall current sensor has good temperature characteristics, and the temperature coefficient is reduced to 0. 000 8% / ℃ . Compared with other temperature compensation methods, this method is simple and easy to implement, and can realize the complete compensation of temperature drift. Hall components can be selected arbitrarily according to the measurement needs, and are not limited by the driving mode.
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