赵 龙,王 鑫,罗大程,赵博文,张少春.基于金刚石氮-空位色心的裂纹无损检测[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2022,36(7):239-246
Non-destructive testing for weld seam based onnitrogen-vacancy color center in the diamond
中文关键词:  金刚石氮-空位色心  铁板焊缝  磁化  光纤传感器  扫描
英文关键词:diamond nitrogen-vacancy color center  iron weld  magnetization  optical fiber sensor  scanning
赵 龙 1. 国网安徽省电力有限公司电力科学研究院 
王 鑫 1. 国网安徽省电力有限公司电力科学研究院 
罗大程 2. 安徽省国盛量子科技有限公司 
赵博文 2. 安徽省国盛量子科技有限公司 
张少春 3. 中国科学技术大学 
Zhao Long 1. State Grid Anhui Electric Power Research Institute 
Wang Xin 1. State Grid Anhui Electric Power Research Institute 
Luo Dacheng 2. China Prosp & Quantumtech Co. , Ltd. 
Zhao Bowen 2. China Prosp & Quantumtech Co. , Ltd. 
Zhang Shaochun 3. University of Science and Technology of China 
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全文下载次数: 1011
      磁场测量在材料科学、电子工程、电力系统甚至工业领域中扮演着极其重要的作用,尤其是磁场测量为工业无损检测提 供了安全又可靠的工具,而磁场测量的灵敏度决定了检测的最高水平。 金刚石氮-空位(NV)色心是最近几年发展的一种新型 的量子传感器,外界磁场存在会导致金刚石 NV 色心的基态能级发生塞曼劈裂,通过光学探测磁共振技术(ODMR),利用微波 源和锁相放大器探测 NV 色心的共振频率,最后由共振频率的变化可以精准地计算出出外界磁场的大小和外界磁场变化的灵 敏度。 实验中将含有高浓度 NV 色心的金刚石与光纤进行耦合实现磁场扫描式探针的制备,之后对磁化后的铁板焊缝表面裂 纹进行扫描,并将扫描的结果绘制成二维磁力分布图,根据磁力分布图的磁场梯度变化可以非常准确地判断出裂纹的位置和大 小,为工业安全提供了非常有效的诊断工具。
      Magnetic field measurement plays an extremely important role in material science, electronic engineering, power system and even industrial fields. In particular, magnetic field measurement provides a safe and reliable tool for industrial non-destructive testing. The sensitivity of magnetic field measurement determines the highest level of detection. The diamond nitrogen-vacancy (NV) color center is a new type of quantum sensor developed in recent years. The external magnetic field will cause Zeeman splitting of the ground state energy level of the diamond NV color center. Optical detection magnetic resonance (ODMR), using a microwave source and a lock-in amplifier to detect the resonant frequency of the NV color center, and finally the change of the resonant frequency can accurately calculate the size of the external magnetic field and the sensitivity of the external magnetic field change. In the experiment, a diamond containing a high concentration of NV color centers is coupled with an optical fiber to realize the preparation of a magnetic field scanning probe. Then, the surface cracks of the magnetized iron plate weld are scanned, and the scanning results are drawn into a twodimensional magnetic force distribution map, according to the magnetic field gradient change of the magnetic force distribution map, the position and size of the crack can be judged accurately, which provides a very effective diagnostic tool for industrial safety.
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