Research on water entry pressure measurementtechnology of large amphibious aircraft
中文关键词:  入水压力  ALE 算法  Wanger 模型  飞行试验
英文关键词:pressure of water landing  ALE algorithm  Wanger model  flight test
李卢丹 1.中国飞行试验研究院 
蒋红娜 1.中国飞行试验研究院 
姜宏伟 1.中国飞行试验研究院 
Li Ludan 1.Chinese Flight Test Establishment 
Jiang Hongna 1.Chinese Flight Test Establishment 
Jiang Hongwei 1.Chinese Flight Test Establishment 
摘要点击次数: 1216
全文下载次数: 821
      针对我国自主研制的大型水陆两栖飞机入水压力测试需求,首先分析了船底结构压力场及测试环境,通过 ALE 算法对 船底压力进行数值仿真,得出船底入水时刻压力分布;并结合基于改进 Wanger 模型的理论计算,确定入水压力最优测点,设计 基于非线性振动模型的信号传感方案;其次,分析机上改装实际工程难题,确定传感器改装工艺;最终通过飞行试验,验证了方 案的可行性及仿真模型的可靠性,测试结果与仿真结果最大偏差为 3. 4%,并为下一阶段测试方案的优化与完善提供依据。
      According to the requirements of water entry pressure test of large amphibious aircraft independently developed in China, the pressure field and test environment of the ship bottom structure are analyzed firstly. The ship bottom pressure is numerically simulated by ALE algorithm, the pressure distribution at the time of landing the water at the bottom of the ship is obtained. Combined with the theoretical calculation based on the improved Wanger model, the optimal measuring point of the water inlet pressure is determined, and the signal sensing scheme based on the nonlinear vibration model is designed. Secondly, analyze the practical engineering problems of aircraft modification, and determine the sensor refitting process. Finally, through the flight test, the feasibility of the scheme and the reliability of the simulation model are verified. The maximum deviation between the test results and the simulation results is 3. 4%, and provide a basis for the optimization and improvement of the test scheme in the next stage.
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