黎标幸,夏海英,宋树祥,杨 军,黄 健.GPS / BDS 组合的 RTK 多路径抑制方法[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2022,36(7):199-205
GPS / BDS 组合的 RTK 多路径抑制方法
GPS / BDS combined RTK multipath suppression method
中文关键词:  GPS / BDS 组合  CEEMDAN-WT  恒星日滤波  多路径抑制
英文关键词:GPS / BDS combination  CEEMDAN-WT  sidereal filtering  multipath suppression
黎标幸 1.广西师范大学电子工程学院 
夏海英 1.广西师范大学电子工程学院 
宋树祥 1.广西师范大学电子工程学院 
杨 军 1.广西师范大学电子工程学院 
黄 健 1.广西师范大学电子工程学院 
Li Biaoxing 1.College of Electronic Engineering of Guangxi Normal University 
Xia Haiying 1.College of Electronic Engineering of Guangxi Normal University 
Song Shuxiang 1.College of Electronic Engineering of Guangxi Normal University 
Yang Jun 1.College of Electronic Engineering of Guangxi Normal University 
Huang Jian 1.College of Electronic Engineering of Guangxi Normal University 
摘要点击次数: 347
全文下载次数: 883
      在 GPS / BDS 组合系统中,BDS 系统的 MEO 轨道卫星与 BDS(GEO、IGSO) / GPS 轨道卫星的回归周期存在较大差异,表 现为与其对应的恒星日滤波模型不唯一,其多路径误差的抑制效果也千差万别。 为了取得更好的形变监测效果,采用 CEEMDAN-WT 联合滤波消除基线坐标序列的噪声影响,然后构建适用于 GPS / BDS 组合的恒星日滤波模型,基于模型提取到的 多路径信息,对后一天基线序列的多路径误差进行改正。 实测结果表明,经 BDS(GEO、IGSO) / GPS 组合的恒星日滤波模型抑 制多路径误差后,基线的水平定位精度小于 5 mm,高程定位精度小于 1. 33 cm,总体定位精度提升在 40%以上。
      In GPS / BDS combined system, the regression period of MEO orbit satellite of BDS system is different from that of BDS (GEO, IGSO) / GPS orbit satellite, which shows that the corresponding sidereal daily filter model is not unique, and the multipath error suppression effect is also different. In order to achieve better deformation monitoring effect, CEEMDAN-WT joint filtering was used to eliminate the noise effect of the baseline coordinate sequence, and then a sidereal daily filtering model suitable for GPS / BDS combination was constructed. Based on the multipath information extracted from the model, the multipath error of the baseline sequence of the next day was corrected. The measured results show that the horizontal positioning accuracy of baseline is less than 5 mm, the elevation positioning accuracy is less than 1. 33 cm, and the overall positioning accuracy is improved over 40% after the multipath error is suppressed by the sidereal daily filtering model combined with BDS (GEO, IGSO) and GPS.
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