周陈昊,凌 晓,杨连乔,张建华.结合多光束光学应力传感器与改进的 Canny 算法求曲率半径的方法研究[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2022,36(7):82-90
结合多光束光学应力传感器与改进的 Canny 算法求曲率半径的方法研究
Research on the method of combining multi-beam stress method and imageprocessing to calculate the radius of curvature
中文关键词:  光束间距  薄膜曲率  边缘检测  椭圆拟合
英文关键词:beam spacing  film curvature  edge detection  ellipse fitting
周陈昊 1.上海大学材料科学与工程学院 
凌 晓 1.上海大学材料科学与工程学院 
杨连乔 1.上海大学材料科学与工程学院 
张建华 1.上海大学材料科学与工程学院 
Zhou Chenhao 1.School of Material Science and Engineering, Shanghai University 
Ling Xiao 1.School of Material Science and Engineering, Shanghai University 
Yang Lianqiao 1.School of Material Science and Engineering, Shanghai University 
Zhang Jianhua 1.School of Material Science and Engineering, Shanghai University 
摘要点击次数: 910
全文下载次数: 945
      利用多光束光学应力传感器(MOSS)求薄膜曲率需要测量出光束在反射前后的间距,根据相邻入射(折射)光束间距即 可计算出薄膜的曲率半径。 光束的间距可由接收到的光斑中心点确定。 提取光斑的中心点主要利用 Canny 边缘检测算法和椭 圆拟合算法。 用 CMOS 传感器得到的光斑阵列图像,在光斑周围参杂有很大的椒盐噪声,对于传统的 Canny 算法,无法准确的 检测出光斑的边缘。 利用一种改进的 Canny 边缘检测算法,可有效的消除光斑周围的噪声,并较好的保留光斑边缘。 最后利用 椭圆拟合算法对边缘进行拟合,求得光斑阵列的所有中心点。 实验最后选用标准件进行验证,用测得的间距算出曲率半径与实 际进行对比,误差结果在 2% ~ 4%,证明该方法可行。
      Using the multi-beam optical stress sensor (MOSS) to find the curvature of the film requires measuring the distance between the beams before and after reflection, and the radius of curvature of the film can be calculated based on the distance between adjacent incident (refracted) beams. The spacing of the beams can be determined by the center point of the received light spot. Extracting the center point of the light spot mainly uses Canny edge detection algorithm and ellipse fitting algorithm. The spot array image obtained with the CMOS sensor has a lot of salt and pepper noise mixed around the spot. For the traditional Canny algorithm, the edge of the spot cannot be accurately detected. An improved Canny edge detection algorithm is used, which can effectively eliminate the noise around the light spot and retain the edge of the light spot. Finally, an ellipse fitting algorithm is used to fit the edges to obtain all the center points of the spot array. At the end of the experiment, standard parts were selected for verification, and the radius of curvature calculated by the measured distance was compared with the actual one. The error result was 2% ~ 4%, which proved that the method was feasible.
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