江 涛,李 媛,贺晨龙.基于轮廓角点检测的螺纹关键参数视觉测量方法[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2022,36(7):54-61
Visual measurement method of thread key parametersbased on contour corner detection
中文关键词:  螺纹测量  机器视觉  Canny 算子  分段拟合  CTAR 算法  角点检测
英文关键词:thread measurement  machine vision  Canny operator  subsection fitting  CTAR algorithm  corner detection
基金项目:国家自然科学基金 (618722217) 项目资助
江 涛 1.陕西科技大学电气与控制工程学院 
李 媛 1.陕西科技大学电气与控制工程学院 
贺晨龙 1.陕西科技大学电气与控制工程学院 
Jiang Tao 1.College of Electrical and Control Engineering, Shaanxi University of Science and Technology 
Li Yuan 1.College of Electrical and Control Engineering, Shaanxi University of Science and Technology 
He Chenlong 1.College of Electrical and Control Engineering, Shaanxi University of Science and Technology 
摘要点击次数: 867
全文下载次数: 829
      为解决现有螺纹关键参数视觉测量方法中易存在螺纹角点误检和漏检导致测量精度降低的问题,本文提出一种基于轮 廓角点检测的视觉测量方法。 首先,使用双边滤波和迭代阈值法改进 Canny 算子,提高边缘检测的精度;其次,使用双阈值 DP 算法和 Hough 变换对轮廓进行分段拟合,在保护边缘的前提下平滑轮廓,并在此基础上使用 CTAR 算法提取螺纹牙顶、牙底的 角点;最后,根据角点的位置信息实现螺纹大径、小径的测量。 实验结果表明,相对于现有使用 Canny 算子和 Harris 角点检测的 视觉测量方法,该方法能准确可靠地检测螺纹的边缘和角点,实现螺纹参数的高精度测量,螺纹大径、小径的平均测量精度分别 达到 0. 003 3 mm 和 0. 002 6 mm。
      In order to solve the problem of low accuracy caused by false and missed detection in the corner detection methods of current visual measurement of thread key parameters, we proposed a new method based on contour corner detection. Firstly, bilateral filtering and iterative threshold method are used to improve the Canny operator to increase the accuracy of edge detection. Secondly, the doublethreshold DP algorithm and Hough transform were used for piecewise fitting; the edges are protected and Contour smoothness is kept. Furthermore, the corner points of the tip and bottom of threads were extracted with CTAR algorithm. Finally, thread major diameter and minor diameter is measured according to the position information of corner points. Experimental results show that, compared with the traditional Canny operator and Harris corner detection method, our new method can accurately and reliably detect the thread edges and corners. Therefore, the high precision measurement of screw thread parameters is realized. The average measurement accuracy of major and minor diameters of screw thread is 0. 003 3 mm and 0. 002 6 mm, respectively.
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