刘 民,帅 平,平劲松,王乾娟.地球以外时间规则研究[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2022,36(7):1-8
Study on the rule of time out of the Earth
中文关键词:  时间规则  广义相对论  原时  坐标时  绝对时间观  相对时间观  空间守时系统
英文关键词:rule of time  general relativity  proper time  coordinate time  absolute time view  relativity time view  space timekeeping system
刘 民 1. 北京东方计量测试研究所 
帅 平 2. 中国空间技术研究院 
平劲松 3. 中国科学院国家天文台 
王乾娟 1. 北京东方计量测试研究所 
Liu Min 1. Beijing Orient Institute of Measurement and Test 
Shuai Ping 2. China Academy of Space Technology 
Ping Jinsong 3. National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences 
Wang Qianjuan 1. Beijing Orient Institute of Measurement and Test 
摘要点击次数: 423
全文下载次数: 1025
      时间规则是为统一时间而制定的测量和计算时间的方法,包含 3 个要素, 即约定的时间单位和约定的时间起点, 以及 时间历法. 现有的时间规则仅适用于地球及其引力势范围内, 不适用于地球以外的浩瀚宇宙空间. 实现地球以外宇宙空间的 时间统一是人类走向太空的必然要求。 本文阐述时间规则的定义和内涵, 用广义相对性原理论证同时性仅存在于同一个坐标 系内,不同坐标系之间不存在同时性, 进而介绍了相对论中两种时间概念: 原时和坐标时, 用看似无穷远处的脉冲星来复现坐 标时. 比较两种时间统一的模式:“中心守时, 局域授时”模式和“局域原时, 全域坐标时”模式。 重点区分绝对时间观和相对 时间观, 认为相对时间观是解决地球以外时间统一问题的关键,再次运用相对时间观点解释时间规则的三要素,进而推出空间 守时系统的概念。
      The rule of time is a way of measurement and calculation time in order to unify time, it includes three elements: appointed unit of time, conventional origin of time and time calendar. The existing rules of time only apply to the earth and inside range of its gravitational potential, and not to the vast space out of the earth. For human beings to go to the space, it is an inevitable requirement to unify the time of space out of the earth. Here describes the definition and connotation of the time rule, and applies principle of general relativity to prove that the synchronicity should be only happened in the same coordinate system, and that does not have simultaneity between different coordinate systems. And then two expressions of time in the general relativity, proper time and coordinate time, were introduced. Coordinate time can be reproduced by pulsar looked like from infinite far away. Two modes to unify time were compared that one mode is “center time-keeping, local time service”, and another mode is “ local proper time, universal coordinate time”. The key point of this paper is to distinguish two kinds of viewpoint, absolute time view and relativity time view. And think that relative time viewpoint is the key to deal with the problem to unify time out of the earth. Three elements of time rules are explained by relativity time viewpoint again, and more, to put forward the concept of space time-keeping system.
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