张旭辉,沈奇峰,杨文娟,张 超,毛清华,王 恒,黄梦瑶.基于三激光点标靶的掘进机机身视觉定位技术研究[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2022,36(6):178-186
Research on visual positioning technology of roadheaderbody based on three laser point target
中文关键词:  单目视觉  精确定位  激光特征提取  视觉测量  P3P
英文关键词:monocular vision  accurate position  laser feature extraction  visual measurement  P3P
基金项目:国家自然科学基金青年项目(52104166,52174150)、陕煤联合基金项目(2021JLM 03)、陕西省重点研发计划项目(2018ZDCXL GY 06 04)资助
张旭辉 1. 西安科技大学机械工程学院,2. 陕西省矿山机电装备智能监测重点实验室 
沈奇峰 1. 西安科技大学机械工程学院 
杨文娟 1. 西安科技大学机械工程学院,2. 陕西省矿山机电装备智能监测重点实验室 
张 超 1. 西安科技大学机械工程学院 
毛清华 1. 西安科技大学机械工程学院,2. 陕西省矿山机电装备智能监测重点实验室 
王 恒 1. 西安科技大学机械工程学院 
黄梦瑶 1. 西安科技大学机械工程学院 
Zhang Xuhui 1. College of Mechanical Engineering, Xi′an University of Science and Technology,2. Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Mine Electromechanical Equipment Intelligent Monitoring 
Shen Qifeng 1. College of Mechanical Engineering, Xi′an University of Science and Technology 
Yang Wenjuan 1. College of Mechanical Engineering, Xi′an University of Science and Technology,2. Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Mine Electromechanical Equipment Intelligent Monitoring 
Zhang Chao 1. College of Mechanical Engineering, Xi′an University of Science and Technology 
Mao Qinghua 1. College of Mechanical Engineering, Xi′an University of Science and Technology,2. Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Mine Electromechanical Equipment Intelligent Monitoring 
Wang Heng 1. College of Mechanical Engineering, Xi′an University of Science and Technology 
Huang Mengyao 1. College of Mechanical Engineering, Xi′an University of Science and Technology 
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      针对煤矿井下低照度、非均匀粉尘环境中掘进机机身位姿测量不稳定的问题,提出了一种以 3 个激光光斑为点特征的 掘进机机身位姿视觉测量技术。 根据激光穿透性强的特性,对防爆工业相机采集的激光标靶图像进行处理,通过光斑区域的最 小内接矩形和椭圆拟合相结合,获取 3 个激光指向仪的光斑点特征,并采用 P3P 单目视觉定位算法,通过空间坐标矩阵变换计 算出掘进机机身的空间位姿。 根据掘进机机身位姿测量实验表明,在粉尘和杂光的影响下,采用该方法获得的掘进机机身位置 信息的误差均在 30 mm 以内,姿态误差均在 0. 5°以内,且保证了在杂光、粉尘和水雾等复杂背景下激光光斑点精确提取与机身 位姿的稳定测量,基本满足巷道掘进施工精度要求。
      Aiming at the problem of unstable pose measurement of roadheader fuselage in a low-illumination and non-uniform dust environment in coal mines, a vision measurement technology for roadheader fuselage with three laser spots as point features is proposed. According to the characteristics of strong laser penetrability, the laser target image collected by the explosion-proof industrial camera is processed. Through the combination of the smallest inscribed rectangle and the ellipse fitting of the spot area, the spot characteristics of the three laser pointers are obtained. It adopted the P3P monocular vision positioning algorithm to calculate the spatial pose of the tunneling machine body through the transformation of the spatial coordinate matrix. According to the posture measurement experiment of the roadheader’s fuselage, under the influence of dust and stray light, the error of the position information of the roadheader’s fuselage obtained by this method is within 30 mm, and the attitude error is within 0. 5°. Accurate extraction of laser spots and stable measurement of body pose under complex backgrounds such as stray light, dust and water fog, basically meet the accuracy requirements of roadway excavation construction.
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