常 睿,桑海峰.泊车中小型障碍物检测技术研究[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2022,36(6):169-177
Research on parking small obstacle detection technology
中文关键词:  障碍物检测  透视变换  SVD 分解  动态背景  颜色分割
英文关键词:obstacle detection  perspective transformation  the SVD decomposition  dynamic background  color segmentation
常 睿 1.沈阳工业大学信息科学与工程学院 
桑海峰 1.沈阳工业大学信息科学与工程学院 
Chang Rui 1.School of Information Science and Engineering, Shenyang University of Technology 
Sang Haifeng 1.School of Information Science and Engineering, Shenyang University of Technology 
摘要点击次数: 636
全文下载次数: 781
      障碍物检测技术作为自动驾驶辅助系统的重要部分,障碍物种类繁多难以面面俱到。 因此提出一种基于全景环视系统 的在汽车泊车时检测小型障碍物的方法。 首先利用透视变换及图像拼接技术将 4 个方向的实时画面映射到全景环视图;并提 出了一种对地面特征点的检测模型,可准确地以车位线直角交点作为特征点提取并匹配出来;分别在两帧中得到地面特征点 后,通过 SVD 分解法计算自车运动估计并得到前一帧的模拟当前帧,消除了动态背景;最后提出了一种基于颜色分割的检测高 于地面区域的方法,由此判定是否属于障碍物部分。 为验证该算法可行性,在停车场中放置各种小型障碍物进行试验,3 段视 频序列中共计 864 个障碍物,平均召回率为 94. 7%,平均误识率为 7. 3%。 试验结果表明,该算法可有效检测停车场中的小型障 碍物,并具备一定的准确性与健壮性。
      As the obstacle detection technology has become an important part of ADAS, many kinds of obstacles are difficult to cover. Therefore, a method of detecting small obstacles during car parking based on panoramic vision system is proposed. First, the real-time pictures in four directions map to the panoramic view using perspective transformation and image mosaic. A detection model of the ground feature point is proposed, which can be accurately extracted and matched with the right angle intersection of the parking line. After obtaining the ground feature points in the two frames,self-vehicle motion estimate is calculated by the SVD decomposition method and the simulated current frame of the previous frame is obtained, and the dynamic background is eliminated. Finally, a detection method based on color segmentation is proposed to determine whether it is an obstacle part. To verify the feasibility of the algorithm, various small obstacles were placed in the parking for testing, with a total of 864 obstacles in the three video sequences, with an average true positive rate of 94. 7% and an average false alarm Rate of 7. 3%. The results show that the algorithm can detect small obstacles in parking with certain accuracy and robustness.
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