欧阳一鸣,王世杰,王 奇.NoC 中基于数据包分类的功率门控策略[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2022,36(6):152-160
NoC 中基于数据包分类的功率门控策略
Power gating strategy based on packet classification in NoC
中文关键词:  片上网络  功率门控  旁路  能效
英文关键词:network on chip (NoC)  power gating  bypass  efficiency
欧阳一鸣 1.合肥工业大学计算机与信息学院 
王世杰 1.合肥工业大学计算机与信息学院 
王 奇 1.合肥工业大学计算机与信息学院 
Ouyang Yiming 1.School of Computer Science and Information Engineering, Hefei University of Technology 
Wang Shijie 1.School of Computer Science and Information Engineering, Hefei University of Technology 
Wang qi 1.School of Computer Science and Information Engineering, Hefei University of Technology 
摘要点击次数: 985
全文下载次数: 729
      随着制造工艺的精进,静态功耗逐渐成为路由器的主要功耗来源之一。 针对基于片上网络架构的多核系统高功耗问 题,提出了一种基于数据包分类的功率门控策略,并修改了路由器架构。 首先对数据包进行分类,其次利用旁路对分类数据包 进行不同的处理,来绕过休眠路由器,从而降低由于功率门控的应用而导致的额外数据包延迟和功耗。 旁路可以保证路由器休 眠时的数据包传输,增加休眠路由器的休眠时间,减少静态功耗。 数据包的分类处理使得路由器的休眠和唤醒更加合理高效。 仿真结果表明,本文方案能明显减少路由器的静态功耗和网络的延迟,相比传统的功率门控技术,最大减少 72. 4%静态功耗和 16. 8%平均数据包延迟;相比经典的采用功率门控的旁路路由器,减少 12. 4%静态功耗和 4. 7%平均数据包延迟。 路由器的额 外硬件开销仅增加了 3. 2%。
      With the improvement of the manufacturing process, static power consumption has gradually become one of the main power consumption sources of routers. Aiming at the high power consumption of multi-core systems based on the on-chip network architecture, this paper proposes a power gating strategy based on packet classification, and modifies the router architecture. In this scheme, first classify data packets, and then use bypass to perform different processing on classified data packets to bypass the dormant router, thereby reducing the extra data packet delay and power consumption caused by the application of power gating. Bypass can ensure the transmission of data packets when the router is sleeping, increase the sleep time of the sleeping router, and reduce static power consumption. The classification of data packets makes the sleep and wake-up of the router more reasonable and efficient. The simulation results show that the solution in this paper can significantly reduce the static power consumption of the router and the delay of the network. Compared with the traditional power gating technology, it can reduce the static power consumption by 72. 4% and the average packet delay by 16. 8%; compared with the classic power gate, the controlled bypass router reduces the static power consumption by 12. 4% and the average packet delay by 4. 7%. The additional hardware overhead of the router has only increased by 3. 2%.
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