高明明,王纪禹,南敬昌,韩欣欣.一种紧凑型三陷波 UWB-MIMO 天线的设计[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2022,36(6):144-151
一种紧凑型三陷波 UWB-MIMO 天线的设计
Design of a compact triple-notch UWB-MIMO antenna
中文关键词:  UWB-MIMO  三陷波  “梳子”缝隙状 T 形枝节  倒“Ω”形槽  类“U”形枝节
英文关键词:UWB-MIMO  triple notch  “comb” slot-shaped T-shaped branch  inverted “Ω”-shaped groove  “U”-like branch
基金项目:国家自然科学基金青年科学基金(61701211)、国家自然科学基金(61971210)、基于硬件加速的三维重建体育展示平台(Z201100005820010)、基于压缩感知的图像传输与重构技术研究(21 2067)项目资助
高明明 1.辽宁工程技术大学电子与信息工程学院 
王纪禹 1.辽宁工程技术大学电子与信息工程学院 
南敬昌 1.辽宁工程技术大学电子与信息工程学院 
韩欣欣 1.辽宁工程技术大学电子与信息工程学院 
Gao Mingming 1.School of Electronics and Information Engineering, Liaoning Technical University 
Wang Jiyu 1.School of Electronics and Information Engineering, Liaoning Technical University 
Nan Jingchang 1.School of Electronics and Information Engineering, Liaoning Technical University 
Han Xinxin 1.School of Electronics and Information Engineering, Liaoning Technical University 
摘要点击次数: 815
全文下载次数: 825
      提出了一种紧凑型的三陷波超宽带多输入多输出(ultra wideband multiple-input multiple,UWB-MIMO)天线,将半圆形与 正六边形结合作为辐射贴片,接地板引入带“梳子”缝隙状 T 型枝节来实现较高的隔离度,天线尺寸为 36 mm×18 mm×1. 6 mm。 通过在辐射贴片上刻蚀倒“Ω” 形槽,在馈线上刻蚀类“U” 形槽以及贴片旁引入类“U” 形枝节的方式实现 WiMAX( 3. 3 ~ 3. 6 GHz)、WLAN 部分频段(5. 725~ 5. 825 GHz)和 X 波段下行频率(7. 25 ~ 7. 75 GHz) 3 个频段的陷波。 仿真与实测结果均表 明,该 UWB-MIMO 天线的工作带宽为 1. 9 ~ 10. 6 GHz,相对带宽达到 139%,3 个陷波频段为 2. 9 ~ 3. 7 GHz、5. 6 ~ 6. 0 GHz 和 7. 05~ 7. 76 GHz,且隔离度大于 20 dB,包络相关系数 ECC<0. 003,说明天线在各方面特性良好,可以满足 UWB-MIMO 天线的 要求。
      In this paper, a compact triple-notch ultra-wideband multiple-input multiple ( UWB-MIMO) antenna is proposed, which combines a semicircle and a regular hexagon as a radiating patch, and a grounding plate is introduced into the belt. “Comb” slot-like Tshaped branches to achieve higher isolation, the antenna size is 36 mm×18 mm×1. 6 mm. WiMAX (3. 3~ 3. 6 GHz) and WLAN parts are realized by etching the inverted “ Ω”-shaped groove on the radiation patch, etching the “ U”-shaped groove on the feeder and introducing the “U”-shaped branch next to the patch. Frequency band (5. 725~ 5. 825 GHz) and X-band downlink frequency (7. 25~ 7. 75 GHz) are notched in three frequency bands. Both simulation and actual measurement results show that the working bandwidth of the UWB-MIMO antenna is 1. 9 ~ 10. 6 GHz, the relative bandwidth reaches 139%, and the three notch frequency bands are 2. 9 ~ 3. 7 GHz, 5. 6~ 6. 0 GHz and 7. 05~ 7. 76 GHz, the degree of isolation is greater than 20 dB, and the envelope correlation coefficient ECC is less than 0. 003, indicating that the antenna has good characteristics in all aspects and can meet the requirements of UWB-MIMO antennas.
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