傅家骏,陈才学,兰永红.基于等价输入干扰的 UPS 逆变器 H∞ 重复控制[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2022,36(6):134-143
基于等价输入干扰的 UPS 逆变器 H∞ 重复控制
Equivalent input disturbance-based H∞repetition control of UPS inverter
中文关键词:  逆变器  等价输入干扰  H∞ 性能  重复控制
英文关键词:inverter  equivalent input disturbance  H∞ performance  repetitive control
傅家骏 1.湘潭大学自动化与电子信息学院 
陈才学 1.湘潭大学自动化与电子信息学院 
兰永红 1.湘潭大学自动化与电子信息学院 
Fu Jiajun 1.School of Automation and Electronic Information, Xiangtan University 
Chen Caixue 1.School of Automation and Electronic Information, Xiangtan University 
Lan Yonghong 1.School of Automation and Electronic Information, Xiangtan University 
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      针对不间断电源(uninterruptible power supplies, UPS)逆变器 H∞ 重复控制系统在跟踪精度和扰动抑制性能之间的固有 约束,提出一种附加等价输入干扰(equivalent input disturbance, EID)补偿的 H∞ 重复控制策略,实现对负载突变等干扰的快速 抑制和参考电压的高精度跟踪。 首先采用状态空间平均法建立 UPS 逆变器的动态数学模型,并给出总体控制框图;在 H∞ 重复 控制器的基础上,求得一组负载突变时仍能保持稳定的状态反馈增益;其次,通过状态观测器构造 EID 估计器,给出了具体设计 步骤。 实验结果表明,所提控制策略能将 UPS 逆变器遭受非线性强干扰后的恢复时间缩短约 1 个周期,输出电压有效值的最 大偏移量降至 0. 09%,改善 UPS 逆变器重复控制系统对扰动抑制的动态性能。
      Aiming at the inherent constraints between tracking accuracy and disturbance suppression performance of H∞ repetitive control system for uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) inverter, an H∞ repetitive control strategy with equivalent input disturbance (EID) compensation is proposed, which realizes the rapid suppression of load sudden change and other disturbances and the high-precision tracking of reference voltage. Firstly, the dynamic mathematical model of UPS inverter is established by using the state space average method, and the overall control block diagram is given. Based on the H∞ repetitive controller, a set of state feedback gains that can maintain stability when the load changes suddenly are obtained. Secondly, the EID estimator is constructed by a state observer, and the specific design steps are given. The experimental results show that the proposed control strategy can shorten the recovery time of UPS inverter after suffering from strong nonlinear interference by about one cycle, reduce the maximum offset of output voltage RMS to 0. 09%, and improve the dynamic performance of UPS inverter repetitive control system for disturbance suppression.
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