陈宝亮,马小凡,肖飞云,王 勇.基于足底三点支撑面动态信息的足弓指数测量方法[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2022,36(6):48-54
Arch index measurement method based on dynamicinformation of three-point support surface of the sole
中文关键词:  足弓指数  测力台  分布力  支撑面
英文关键词:arch index  force plate  distributed force  supporting surface
陈宝亮 1.合肥工业大学机械工程学院 
马小凡 1.合肥工业大学机械工程学院 
肖飞云 1.合肥工业大学机械工程学院 
王 勇 1.合肥工业大学机械工程学院 
Chen Baoliang 1.School of Mechanical Engineering, HeFei University of Technology 
Ma Xiaofan 1.School of Mechanical Engineering, HeFei University of Technology 
Xiao Feiyun 1.School of Mechanical Engineering, HeFei University of Technology 
Wang Yong 1.School of Mechanical Engineering, HeFei University of Technology 
摘要点击次数: 829
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      旨在解决人工足弓指数测量精度低和效率低的缺点,提出用足底支撑面动态信息对足弓指数进行测量。 从研制的分布 力测力台中获取足跟区、脚掌外侧区和脚掌内侧区的地面反作用力的作用点轨迹,将 3 个点形成的面积 SΔ ABC 用来对支撑面信 息进行表达,获得 5 次 30 s 双足站立姿势任务的 SΔ ABC 的均值 MSΔ ABC ,作为足部的弓高指数(FAI)的关键参数。 采用组合卡尺 弓高测试方法(AHIMS)对 30 名受试者的足弓类型进行划分,对 FAI 值进行方差分析。 结果显示,FAI 值从低足弓组、正常足组 到高足弓组呈逐渐升高趋势,低足弓组与高足弓组(P<0. 001)、正常足与高足弓组(P<0. 01)之间具有显著差异。 结果表明足 底支撑面的动态信息 SΔ ABC 可以对足部的弓高指数进行表达。
      In order to solve the shortcomings of low accuracy and low efficiency of artificial arch index measurement. It is proposed to use the dynamic information of the plantar support surface to measure the arch index. Obtain the trajectory of the ground reaction force on the heel, the outside of the sole, and the inside of the sole from the developed distributed force plate. The area SΔ ABC formed by the three points is used to express the support surface information. The mean value MSΔ ABC of SΔ ABC for five 30-second bipedal standing posture tasks was obtained as a key parameter of the foot arch height index (FAI). The combined caliper arch height index measurement system (AHIMS) was used to classify the foot arch types of 30 subjects, and the FAI value was analyzed by variance. The results showed that the FAI value gradually increased from the low arch group, the normal foot group to the high arch group. There was a significant difference between the low arch group and the high arch group (P<0. 001), and between the normal foot and the high arch group (P< 0. 01). The results show that the dynamic information SΔ ABC of the plantar support surface can express the arch height index of the foot.
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