金 伟,何 敏,庞 薇,姚亚林.EMT 系统在磁性催化物分布检测中的应用[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2022,36(4):145-151
EMT 系统在磁性催化物分布检测中的应用
Application of EMT system in magnetic catalysis distribution detection
中文关键词:  电磁层析成像  隧道磁电阻  压缩感知  图像重建
英文关键词:electromagnetic tomography  tunnel magnetoresistance  compressed sensing  image reconstruction
金 伟 1.上海海事大学物流工程学院 
何 敏 1.上海海事大学物流工程学院 
庞 薇 1.上海海事大学物流工程学院 
姚亚林 1.上海海事大学物流工程学院 
Jin Wei 1.Logistics Engineering College, Shanghai Maritime University 
He Min 1.Logistics Engineering College, Shanghai Maritime University 
Pang Wei 1.Logistics Engineering College, Shanghai Maritime University 
Yao Yalin 1.Logistics Engineering College, Shanghai Maritime University 
摘要点击次数: 758
全文下载次数: 1370
      研究了电磁层析成像技术(EMT)在生物柴油制备过程中磁性催化物的分布检测上的应用。 为了能够有效应用磁性催 化物的导磁特性,在一种 8 线圈 TMR-线圈结构的传感器阵列的基础上设计了仿真实验,比较了不同粒径大小的催化剂分布的 成像结果,研究表明,该线圈结构适用于磁性催化物的分布检测。 为了改进传统成像算法成像质量差、成像速度慢的缺点,研究 了匹配追踪算法(CoSaMP)在图像重建上的应用,并与传统的 Tikhonov 算法和 Landweber 算法进行比较,结果表明 CoSaMP 算法 有更好的边缘处理能力和更快的成像速度,与其他两种算法相比,图像误差平均降低了 30. 4%,成像速度提高了 46%,有效提 高了重建图像质量与速度。
      The application of electromagnetic tomography (EMT) in the detection of the distribution of magnetic catalysts in biodiesel preparation is studied. Based on a sensor array with 8-coil TMR coil structure, the simulation experiment is designed, and the imaging results of catalysts with different particle sizes are compared. The research shows that the coil structure is suitable for the distribution detection of magnetic catalysts. In order to improve the shortcomings of the traditional imaging algorithm, the application of the matching pursuit algorithm (CoSaMP) in image reconstruction is studied, and compared with the traditional Tikhonov algorithm and Landweber algorithm, the results show that the CoSaMP algorithm has better edge processing ability and faster imaging speed. Compared with the other two algorithms, the image error is reduced by 30. 4% on average, and the imaging speed is increased by 46%, which effectively improves the quality and speed of reconstructed image.
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