孙长龙,季 忠,钟文韬.基于近红外光谱的脑血氧无创监测系统研究[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2022,36(4):136-144
Research on non-invasive monitoring system based on cerebralblood oxygen on near infrared spectroscopy
中文关键词:  脑血氧  近红外  四波长 LED  Valsalva 运动
英文关键词:cerebral blood oxygen  near infrared  four-wavelength LED  Valsalva exercise
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(81971700)、重庆市研究生科研创新项目(CYS20075)、重庆市自然科学基金项目(2020CDJ LHZZ 032)资助
孙长龙 1.重庆大学生物工程学院 
季 忠 1.重庆大学生物工程学院 
钟文韬 1.重庆大学生物工程学院 
Sun Changlong 1.College of Biological Engineering, Chongqing University 
Ji Zhong 1.College of Biological Engineering, Chongqing University 
Zhong Wentao 1.College of Biological Engineering, Chongqing University 
摘要点击次数: 1016
全文下载次数: 1086
      目前临床使用的脑血氧无创监测设备大多为双波长,由于黑色素的吸收会导致测量结果出现偏差,因此需要对测量结 果进行修正。 为此本文基于近红外光谱无创监测脑血氧的基本原理,针对现有脑血氧无创监测设备的不足,考虑前额叶的光学 特性,研制了一种四波长探测光源(700、760、805、850 nm)以及双路光电检测器的脑血氧无创监测传感装置,并建立了光谱吸光 度的数学模型,在此基础上构建了新型的脑血氧无创监测系统,实现了可抑制皮肤黑色素成分干扰的脑血氧信息无创测量。 最 后通过对 Valsalva 运动以及空载的对照实验进行秩和分析,初步验证了本系统的有效性。
      At present, most of the non-invasive monitoring equipment for cerebral blood oxygen in clinical use is dual-wavelength. Because the absorption of melanin will cause deviations in the measurement results, the measurement results need to be corrected. For this reason, based on the basic principle of non-invasive monitoring of cerebral blood oxygen by near infrared spectroscopy, in view of the shortcomings of existing non-invasive monitoring equipment for cerebral blood oxygen, considering the optical characteristics of the prefrontal lobe, a four-wavelength detection light source (700, 760, 805, 850 nm) and a dual-channel photoelectric detector for noninvasive monitoring of cerebral blood oxygen, and a mathematical model of spectral absorbance is established. On this basis, a new type of non-invasive monitoring system for cerebral blood oxygen is constructed, which can inhibit the interference of skin melanin components to non-invasively measure the cerebral blood oxygen information. Finally, through the rank sum analysis of the Valsalva exercise and noload control experiments, the effectiveness of the system is preliminarily verified.
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