郭围围,尹勇生,龚 号,孟 煦,陈珍海,邓红辉.基于时间放大技术的时间数字转换器的设计[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2022,36(4):98-105
Design of time-to-digital converter based on time amplifier
中文关键词:  时间数字转换器  分辨率  测量范围  时间放大器  时间余量
英文关键词:time-to-digital converter  accuracy  measurement range  time amplifier  time margin
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(61704043)、安徽省科技攻关计划项目(202104g01020008)、安徽省高校协同创新项目(GXXF2019 030)资助
郭围围 1. 合肥工业大学微电子设计研究所 
尹勇生 1. 合肥工业大学微电子设计研究所,2. 教育部 IC 设计网上合作研究中心 
龚 号 1. 合肥工业大学微电子设计研究所 
孟 煦 1. 合肥工业大学微电子设计研究所,2. 教育部 IC 设计网上合作研究中心 
陈珍海 3. 黄山学院信息工程学院 
邓红辉 1. 合肥工业大学微电子设计研究所,2. 教育部 IC 设计网上合作研究中心 
Guo Weiwei 1. Institute of VLSI Design, Hefei University of Technology 
Yin Yongsheng 1. Institute of VLSI Design, Hefei University of Technology,2. IC Design Web-Cooperation Research Center of MOE 
Gong Hao 1. Institute of VLSI Design, Hefei University of Technology 
Meng Xu 1. Institute of VLSI Design, Hefei University of Technology,2. IC Design Web-Cooperation Research Center of MOE 
Chen Zhenhai 3. School of Information Engineering, Huangshan University 
Deng Honghui 1. Institute of VLSI Design, Hefei University of Technology,2. IC Design Web-Cooperation Research Center of MOE 
摘要点击次数: 924
全文下载次数: 1237
      本文基于时间放大技术设计了一种两步式的时间数字转换器(TDC),可应用于高精度的飞行测量领域。 本设计采用 SMIC 55 nm CMOS 工艺,采用环形延时 TDC 作为粗量化电路,采用游标式 TDC 作为细量化电路。 游标式 TDC 的精度受到延时 失配限制,导致在设计时难以突破更高精度的要求。 时间放大器通过放大粗量化产生的时间余量,并继续进行第二次细量化, 降低了细量化电路的设计难度。 针对传统时间放大器输入范围有限以及放大精确度不足的弊端,提出一种新的时间放大器结 构,具有精确放大宽范围输入时间间隔的能力。 仿真结果表明,采用该种时间放大器的 TDC 可实现的分辨率为 3. 7 ps,测量范 围为 80 ns,微分非线性(DNL)为 0. 73 LSB,积分非线性(INL)为 0. 95 LSB,该设计能够在高线性度下更好地兼顾 TDC 的分辨率 与测量范围。
      A two-step time-to-digital converter (TDC) is designed based on time amplification technology, which can be applied to the field of high-precision flight measurement. This design adopts SMIC 55 nm CMOS process, uses the ring delay TDC as the coarse quantization circuit and uses the Vernier TDC as the fine quantization circuit. The accuracy of the Vernier TDC is limited by the mismatch of delay cells, which makes it difficult to break through the higher accuracy requirements in the design. The time amplifier amplifies the time margin generated by the coarse quantization and continues with the second fine quantization, which reduces the design difficulty of the fine quantization circuit. Aiming at the disadvantages of the limited input range of traditional time amplifiers and insufficient amplification accuracy, a new time amplifier structure is proposed, which has the ability to accurately amplify a wide range of input time intervals. The simulation results show that the achievable resolution of the TDC using this kind of time amplifier is 3. 7 ps, the measurement range is 80 ns, the differential nonlinearity (DNL) is 0. 73 LSB, and the integral nonlinearity (INL) is 0. 95 LSB. This design can better balance the resolution and measurement range of TDC under high linearity.
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