Dynamic continuous domain model identification method of edge-cloudcooperative programmable constant current source
中文关键词:  边云协同  程控恒流源  动态性能  模型辨识
英文关键词:edge-cloud collaboration  programmable constant current source  dynamic performance  model identification
吕建勋 1.北京航空航天大学自动化科学与电气工程学院 
孙玉成 1.北京航空航天大学自动化科学与电气工程学院 
赵鹏辉 1.北京航空航天大学自动化科学与电气工程学院 
袁海文 1.北京航空航天大学自动化科学与电气工程学院 
Lyu Jianxun 1.School of Automation Science and Electrical Engineering, Beihang University 
Sun Yucheng 1.School of Automation Science and Electrical Engineering, Beihang University 
Zhao Penghui 1.School of Automation Science and Electrical Engineering, Beihang University 
Yuan Haiwen 1.School of Automation Science and Electrical Engineering, Beihang University 
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      远程程控恒流源作为智能工厂伺服控制环节的重要部件,定量的求解其远程控制全过程的动态模型对于伺服控制策略 生成和优化控制等具有重要意义。 本文针对程控恒流源的动态性能分析以及远程高效控制,提出了一种基于边云协同的恒流 源动态模型建模方法。 该方法考虑了远程控制过程中的通信延迟、数据丢包等相关情况,同时辨识了从云端控制到边端输出的 整个模型的结构和参数,并通过离散域和连续域传递函数的转换,获得远程程控恒流源连续域动态模型,克服了传统边端控制 对于不同控制时间间隔需要重新建立离散化模型的不便,支持了恒流源所在伺服系统的远程高效控制。 仿真验证和应用模拟 验证表明,该方法可以精确辨识恒流源连续域动态性能模型并应用于实际边云协同程控系统。
      The remote programmable constant current source is an important part of the servo control, and its dynamic model of whole control process is of great significance for the strategy generation and control optimization of the servo control. Aiming at the dynamic performance analysis and remote control of programmable constant current source, this paper proposes a dynamic modeling method based on edge-cloud collaboration. The proposed method takes into account the communication delay, data packet loss and other related situations in the cloud control process. It can simultaneously identify the structure and parameters of the model. Through the transformation of transfer functions of discrete domain and continuous domain, the continuous dynamic model of the constant current source is obtained to support the efficient control of the servo system, it overcomes the inconvenience of re-establishing the discrete model for different control time intervals in traditional side-end control. Finally, simulation verification and application simulation verification show that the method can accurately identify the dynamic model of the constant current source in the continuous domain and can apply to the actual edge-cloud cooperative program control system.
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