赵莹莹,何怡刚,杜博伦,邢致恺,汪 磊.基于 LSSA 优化 DBN 的双有源桥变换器 开路故障诊断[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2022,36(4):56-64
基于 LSSA 优化 DBN 的双有源桥变换器 开路故障诊断
Open circuit fault diagnosis of dual active bridgeconverterbased on LSSA optimized DBN
中文关键词:  双有源桥变换器  深度信念网络  麻雀搜索算法  莱维飞行策略  故障诊断
英文关键词:dual active bridge converter  deep belief network  sparrow search algorithm  levy flight strategy  fault diagnosis
赵莹莹 1.武汉大学电气与自动化学院 
何怡刚 1.武汉大学电气与自动化学院 
杜博伦 1.武汉大学电气与自动化学院 
邢致恺 1.武汉大学电气与自动化学院 
汪 磊 1.武汉大学电气与自动化学院 
Zhao Yingying 1.School of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Wuhan University 
He Yigang 1.School of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Wuhan University 
Du Bolun 1.School of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Wuhan University 
Xing Zhikai 1.School of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Wuhan University 
Wang Lei 1.School of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Wuhan University 
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全文下载次数: 1720
      针对双有源桥(dual active bridge, DAB)变换器中 IGBT 开路故障诊断精度较低的问题,提出基于莱维飞行麻雀搜索算 法(Levy sparrow search algorithm, LSSA)优化深度信念网络(deep belief network, DBN)的故障诊断方法。 首先,利用莱维飞行策 略改进麻雀搜索算法的收敛速度和全局优化能力。 然后将 DBN 的均方差作为适应度函数,利用 LSSA 寻找 DBN 的最优隐藏层 单元数,根据得到的最优值建立 DBN 故障诊断模型。 通过 RT-LAB 搭建 DAB 变换器半实物仿真系统,对变压器漏感电流信号 进行故障诊断,在收敛速度、适应度值和诊断精度指标方面进行对比分析。 实验结果表明诊断模型可以有效诊断 DAB 变换器 开路故障,且诊断精度达到 99%。
      Aiming at the low fault diagnosis accuracy of IGBTs’ open circuit fault in dual active bridge ( DAB) converter, a fault diagnosis method based on the Levy sparrow search algorithm (LSSA) to optimize the deep belief network (DBN) is proposed. First, the Levy flight strategy improves the convergence speed and global optimization capability of the SSA. Then, the mean square error function of the DBN is taken as the fitness function. The LSSA finds the optimal number of hidden layer units of DBN. According to the optimal number of hidden layers, we construct a DBN open-circuit fault diagnosis model. Through building the hardware-in-the-loop simulation system of DAB converter in RT-LAB, the method uses the transformer leakage current as the diagnostic signal. The comparative analysis is conducted on the convergence speed, fitness value index and diagnosis accuracy. The experiment results show that the diagnosis model can diagnose the open-circuit fault of the DAB converter effectively, and the fault diagnosis accuracy achieves 99%.
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