许富景,杜少成,荆蕊蕊.基于压缩感知与分段 Hermite 插值的 二维温度场重构方法[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2022,36(4):40-47
基于压缩感知与分段 Hermite 插值的 二维温度场重构方法
Two-dimensional temperature field reconstruction method based oncompressed sensing and piecewise Hermite interpolation
中文关键词:  温度场  压缩感知  随机采样  分段 Hermite 插值
英文关键词:temperature field  compressed sensing  random sampling  piecewise Hermite interpolation
许富景 1.山西大学自动化与软件学院 
杜少成 1.山西大学自动化与软件学院 
荆蕊蕊 1.山西大学自动化与软件学院 
Xu Fujing 1.School of Automation and Software Engineering, Shanxi University 
Du Shaocheng 1.School of Automation and Software Engineering, Shanxi University 
Jing Ruirui 1.School of Automation and Software Engineering, Shanxi University 
摘要点击次数: 941
全文下载次数: 910
      在遥感测绘、爆炸场测试和物流安全等领域,往往需要高精度测量二维温度场信息。 由于测量面积较大或者监测设备 有限,经常导致温度场测试精度和分辨率较低。 为此,本文结合压缩感知与分段 Hermite 插值理论提出一种二维温度场压缩重 构方法。 该方法首先对温度场进行随机欠采样;然后对采样结果进行分段 Hermite 插值以提高采样率;最后利用插值结果进行 OMP 高概率重构。 该方法可以有效降低二维温度场测试的测量点数量。 试验表明,在压缩率为 75%情况下,二维温度场的重 建误差不大于 6. 5%。
      In the fields of remote sensing mapping, explosion field testing and logistics security, it is often necessary to measure twodimensional temperature field information with high precision. Due to the large measurement area or limited monitoring equipment, temperature field measurement accuracy and resolution are often low. Therefore, this paper proposes a two-dimensional temperature field compression and reconstruction method combining compressive sensing and piecewise Hermite interpolation theory. Firstly, the temperature field is undersampled randomly. Secondly, the sampling results are interpolated by Hermite interpolation to improve the sampling rate. Finally, the interpolation results are used to reconstruct by OMP with high probability. This method can effectively reduce the number of measuring points in two-dimensional temperature field measurement. The experimental results indicate that the reconstruction error of two-dimensional temperature field is no more than 6. 5% when the compression rate is 75%.
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