王会峰,何柱材,李云梦,李晋赓,王鹏雁,郝 婷,黄 鹤.散斑干涉条纹 Kaiser-Hamming 窗口 傅里叶快速滤波方法[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2022,36(3):166-174
散斑干涉条纹 Kaiser-Hamming 窗口 傅里叶快速滤波方法
Faster Fourier filtering based on Kaiser-Hamming window forfringe of electronic speckle pattern interferometry
中文关键词:  电子散斑干涉测量法  加窗傅里叶滤波  二维 Kaiser-Hamming 窗口  条纹去噪  相位解包裹  滤波速度
英文关键词:electronic speckle pattern interferometry  windowed Fourier filtering  two-dimensional Kaiser-Hamming window  fringe denoising  phase unwrapping  filtering speed
王会峰 1. 长安大学电子与控制工程学院,2. 陕西省道路交通智能检测与装备工程技术研究中心 
何柱材 1. 长安大学电子与控制工程学院 
李云梦 1. 长安大学电子与控制工程学院 
李晋赓 1. 长安大学电子与控制工程学院 
王鹏雁 1. 长安大学电子与控制工程学院 
郝 婷 1. 长安大学电子与控制工程学院 
黄 鹤 1. 长安大学电子与控制工程学院,2. 陕西省道路交通智能检测与装备工程技术研究中心 
Wang Huifeng 1. School of Electronic and Control Engineering, Chang′an University,2. Road Traffic Intelligent Detection and Equipment Technology Research Center of Shaanxi 
He Zhucai 1. School of Electronic and Control Engineering, Chang′an University 
Li Yunmeng 1. School of Electronic and Control Engineering, Chang′an University 
Li Jingeng 1. School of Electronic and Control Engineering, Chang′an University 
Wang Pengyan 1. School of Electronic and Control Engineering, Chang′an University 
Hao Ting 1. School of Electronic and Control Engineering, Chang′an University 
Huang He 1. School of Electronic and Control Engineering, Chang′an University,2. Road Traffic Intelligent Detection and Equipment Technology Research Center of Shaanxi 
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      针对加窗傅里叶滤波(WFF)对电子散斑干涉条纹滤波时间长的局限性,提出了一种基于二维 Kaiser-Hamming 窗口的 傅里叶快速滤波法(KH-WFF)。 首先,将 Kaiser 窗和 Hamming 窗组合,设计了二维 Kaiser-Hamming 窗口,然后将 WFF 中的 Gaussian 窗口替换为二维 Kaiser-Hamming 窗,去掉多余的非正交基函数从而减少时间复杂度。 把 KH-WFF 和 WFF 应用到模拟 条纹和真实条纹,结果表明滤波后的条纹光滑度,细节保护程度和保真度相差不大,都成功得到了连续性好的解包裹相位,而 KH-WFF 对实际应用环境下采集到的一副条纹的滤波速度是 WFF 的 12 倍。 最后分析不同图像尺寸、窗口大小和频带宽下 KH-WFF 和 WFF 的执行速度,证明 KH-WFF 的时间复杂度更低。 实验证明提出的方法在减少执行时间的同时也提供了几乎相 同的滤波效果。
      Aiming at the long runtime of windowed Fourier filtering ( WFF) in the filtering of fringes of electronic speckle pattern interferometry, a faster Fourier filtering method based on a two-dimensional Kaiser-Hamming window (KH-WFF) is proposed. First, the Kaiser window and Hamming window are combined to design a two-dimensional Kaiser-Hamming window, and then the Gaussian window in WFF is replaced with the two-dimensional Kaiser-Hamming window. The time complexity is reduced due to the removal of redundant non-orthogonal basis functions. KH-WFF and WFF are applied to the simulated fringe and the experimental fringe, and the results show that the smoothness, detail protection, and fidelity of the filtered fringe are not much different. Moreover, both methods have obtained the unwrapping phase with good continuity, while the filtering speed of KH-WFF for a fringe in practical application is 12 times that of WFF. Finally, the time complexity analysis of KH-WFF and WFF under different image sizes, window sizes, and bandwidths proves that KH-WFF is faster. Experiments prove that the proposed method provides almost the same result while reducing the execution time.
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