董慧芬,陈 蒙.电能质量信号的非均匀子带分解小波去噪[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2022,36(3):149-156
Wavelet de-noising of power quality signal based onnon-uniform subband decomposition
中文关键词:  国家自然科学基金(51377161)、中国民航大学实验技术创新基金(2020CXJJ87)项目资助
英文关键词:College of Electronics Information and Automation, Civil Aviation University of China
董慧芬 1.中国民航大学电子信息与自动化学院 
陈 蒙 1.中国民航大学电子信息与自动化学院 
Dong Huifen 1.College of Electronics Information and Automation, Civil Aviation University of China 
Chen Meng 1.College of Electronics Information and Automation, Civil Aviation University of China 
摘要点击次数: 535
全文下载次数: 733
      针对频谱范围广的电能信号去噪问题,为了在去噪时保留电能信号中的高频谐波分量,采用控制子带个数和带宽的方 法,提出一种基于功率谱特征判决器控制的非均匀子带分解小波去噪算法。 其主要特点是采用信号功率谱幅度分割的方法,对 小波包变换子带进行非均匀分解,动态调整小波包去噪结构,优化小波包去噪系数选择,从而在去除高频电磁噪声的同时保留 高频谐波。 使用该方法对多电飞机自耦变压整流器(ATRU)电能信号进行去噪,对应不同信号能够实现自适应非均匀子带分 解,合理保留信号谐波成分。 实验结果表明,该算法在滤除电磁干扰噪声的同时有效信号高频特征保留量为 89. 21%,获得了更 好的去噪效果。
      In order to solve the problem of denoising power signals with a wide spectrum range, an adaptive wavelet packet de-noising algorithm based on the decider of power spectrum characteristics was proposed to dynamically adjust the number and bandwidth of subband, reasonably preserve the effective high-frequency components of the signal. The main feature of this method is to achieve nonuniform decomposition by using power spectrum amplitude segmentation. The coefficient selection of wavelet packet de-noising is optimized, which improves the adaptability of the denoising algorithm. This method was used to denoise the power signals of the multielectric aircraft ATRU test platform, and the utility of adaptive non-uniform subband decomposition was achieved. Experimental results show that the algorithm can effectively retain 89. 21% high-frequency details of the signal and obtain a better denoising effect.
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