王丽黎,刘 庆,杜忠红.用于雷达隐身设备的低 RCS 超宽带 Vivaldi 天线[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2022,36(3):122-129
用于雷达隐身设备的低 RCS 超宽带 Vivaldi 天线
Ultra-wideband Vivaldi antenna with low RCS for radar stealth equipment
中文关键词:  超宽带  Vivaldi 天线  雷达散射截面  高增益
英文关键词:ultra-wideband  Vivaldi antenna  radar cross section  high gain
王丽黎 1.西安理工大学自动化与信息工程学院 
刘 庆 1.西安理工大学自动化与信息工程学院 
杜忠红 1.西安理工大学自动化与信息工程学院 
Wang Lili 1.School of Automation and Information Engineering, Xi′an University of Technology 
Liu Qing 1.School of Automation and Information Engineering, Xi′an University of Technology 
Du Zhonghong 1.School of Automation and Information Engineering, Xi′an University of Technology 
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全文下载次数: 1205
      为了减小雷达探测对导弹、飞机和舰船等隐身设备的威胁,设计了一款低 RCS 的超宽带高增益 Vivaldi 天线。 通过分析 天线在不同频率下的表面电流分布,在不影响天线辐射性能的前提下,采用一种简单有效的改变天线外形的方法,并在辐射臂 两侧加载矩形加半圆形的异形结构。 这种结构可以减少辐射器表面的散射,从而使单站 RCS 降低。 测试结果表明,所提出的 天线工作带宽为 4. 7~ 11 GHz,最大增益达到 11 dBi,与原始天线相比,在保持良好辐射性能的同时,在工作频段范围内 RCS 最 大缩减为 18. 5 dB,可以应用于低 RCS 的隐身系统。
      In order to reduce the threat of radar detection to stealth equipment such as missiles, aircraft and ships, an ultra-wideband (UWB) high gain Vivaldi antenna with low radar cross section (RCS) was designed. By analyzing the surface current distributions of the antenna at different frequencies, a simple and effective method is adopted to change the shape of the antenna without affecting the radiation performance of the antenna, and a rectangular and semicircular shaped structure is loaded on both sides of the radiation arm. The proposed structure can reduce the scattering on the surface of the radiator, leading to the monostatic RCS reduction. The measurement results show that the proposed antenna has a working bandwidth of 4. 7~ 11 GHz and a maximum gain of 11 dBi. Compared with the original antenna, the proposed antenna maintains good radiation performance. At the same time, the maximum reduction of RCS is 18. 5 dB in the working frequency range. The proposed antenna can be applied to stealth systems with low RCS.
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