吕禺萱,雷华明.磁异常探测中载体干扰磁场 RLS 补偿方法[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2022,36(3):96-104
磁异常探测中载体干扰磁场 RLS 补偿方法
RLS method for carrier interference compensationin magnetic anomaly detection
中文关键词:  载体干扰  磁异常探测  RLS 算法  干扰补偿
英文关键词:carrier interference  magnetic anomaly detection  RLS algorithm  interference compensation
吕禺萱 1. 上海交通大学仪器科学与工程系,2. 上海交通大学海洋智能装备与信息系统教育部重点实验室 
雷华明 1. 上海交通大学仪器科学与工程系,2. 上海交通大学海洋智能装备与信息系统教育部重点实验室 
Lyu Yuxuan 1. Department of Instrumentation Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiaotong University,2. Key Laboratory of Ocean Intelligent Equipment and Information System of Ministry of Education,Shanghai Jiaotong University 
Lei Huaming 1. Department of Instrumentation Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiaotong University,2. Key Laboratory of Ocean Intelligent Equipment and Information System of Ministry of Education,Shanghai Jiaotong University 
摘要点击次数: 825
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      针对磁异常探测中载体干扰磁场会极大的影响测量结果的问题,提出一种基于 RLS 算法的磁异常探测载体干扰磁场 补偿方法。 首先,对磁异常探测中的干扰进行分类,建立测量模型;然后,将模型转换为标准多元线性方程,通过正交约束和线 性约束降低共线性,经 RLS 算法求解模型参数,并进行模型仿真验证算法正确性;最后,进行有无异常载体有限元仿真,通过 RLS 算法解算无异常时仿真数据获取补偿参数,并用补偿参数对含异常仿真数据进行补偿。 结果表明:经补偿误差显著降低, 无磁异常实测实验的补后改善比为 10. 3,该方法可用于磁异常探测中的载体干扰磁场补偿,有效提升了磁异常探测的抗干扰 能力,对掩埋物检测、矿产勘探、反潜等工作都具有重要意义。
      Focusing on the problem that magnetic interference of carrier in magnetic anomaly detection will greatly affect the measurement results, a carrier interference magnetic field compensation method for magnetic anomaly detection based on RLS algorithm is proposed. First, classify the interference in the magnetic anomaly detection and establish a measurement model. Then, convert the model to a standard multiple linear equation. Reduce collinearity through orthogonal and linear constraints. Solve the model parameters through the RLS algorithm and the correctness of the algorithm is verified by model simulation. Finally, carry out finite element simulation of the carrier with and without anomalies. The RLS algorithm is used to calculate the compensation parameters from the simulation data without abnormality. The calculated compensation parameters are used to compensate the abnormal simulation data. The results show that the compensation error is significantly reduced. The signal improvement ratio after compensation for experiment without magnetic anomalies is 10. 3. This method can be used for carrier interference magnetic field compensation in magnetic anomaly detection. It effectively improves the anti-interference ability of magnetic anomaly detection, and is of great significance to buried object detection, mineral exploration, anti-submarine and other works.
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